ninhnguyen's articles ENTREPRENEURSHIP The Story of Alibaba Alibaba has come to dominate internet retailing in China, which will soon be the biggest e-commerce market in the world. It has moved beyond its original remit of connecting businesses to each other to ventures that let companies sell directly to the public (Tmall) and enable members of the public to sell to each other […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP Enjoying the Entrepreneurship Path Entrepreneurship is a journey with challenges, struggle and hard work. Knowing these elements might help you enjoy your entrepreneurship path. Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked STARTUPS 6 signs the startup is bad Starting a new company is fun but a company that’s not growing is dying. This may be the starting point but can also be the point where most companies fail. Here are six signs that the passion and energy that has brought you this far might not be enough to be successful in the market Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked STARTUPS 5 quick things to keep your business growing Leaving the corporate to run your own business is the ideal situation for many people: There’s no boss breathing down your neck, no boring meetings to attend and no long drives in rush hour traffic. Working on your own business can be a rewarding experience, but it’s easy to forget the basic rules of running […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP Ideas to add to brainstorm Brainstorming is an effective method for generating ideas and creatively solving problems. It can help you develop any system of related ideas or information, such as new business strategies, book outlines, meeting minutes, or travel plans. Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked STARTUPS How Do You Build Entrepreneur Habits? Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked STARTUPS The Secret Recipe To Product Building And Money Making Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP The Story of Alibaba Alibaba has come to dominate internet retailing in China, which will soon be the biggest e-commerce market in the world. It has moved beyond its original remit of connecting businesses to each other to ventures that let companies sell directly to the public (Tmall) and enable members of the public to sell to each other […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP Enjoying the Entrepreneurship Path Entrepreneurship is a journey with challenges, struggle and hard work. Knowing these elements might help you enjoy your entrepreneurship path. Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
STARTUPS 6 signs the startup is bad Starting a new company is fun but a company that’s not growing is dying. This may be the starting point but can also be the point where most companies fail. Here are six signs that the passion and energy that has brought you this far might not be enough to be successful in the market Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
STARTUPS 5 quick things to keep your business growing Leaving the corporate to run your own business is the ideal situation for many people: There’s no boss breathing down your neck, no boring meetings to attend and no long drives in rush hour traffic. Working on your own business can be a rewarding experience, but it’s easy to forget the basic rules of running […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP Ideas to add to brainstorm Brainstorming is an effective method for generating ideas and creatively solving problems. It can help you develop any system of related ideas or information, such as new business strategies, book outlines, meeting minutes, or travel plans. Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
STARTUPS The Secret Recipe To Product Building And Money Making Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked