David Ireland's articles ART & DESIGN EDITOR'S PICK PSYCHOLOGY What Makes Horror Film Music Scary? Key Takeaway: Horror films often incorporate musical influences from other genres, such as thrillers and action films, to create an ambiguous musical atmosphere. These ambiguous atmospheres are often achieved through a lack of conventional melody and dissonant harmonies. Repeated short melodies and tremolo techniques convey tension, while drones and sudden loud bursts of sound or […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ART & DESIGN EDITOR'S PICK PSYCHOLOGY What Makes Horror Film Music Scary? Key Takeaway: Horror films often incorporate musical influences from other genres, such as thrillers and action films, to create an ambiguous musical atmosphere. These ambiguous atmospheres are often achieved through a lack of conventional melody and dissonant harmonies. Repeated short melodies and tremolo techniques convey tension, while drones and sudden loud bursts of sound or […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked