Scott Solomon's articles EDITOR'S PICK SCIENCE How Ants Could Inspire Solutions For Human Problems Key Takeaways: There may be new wisdom to gain from what scientists have learned about ants’ biology. Ant farmers face many of the same challenges as human farmers do, including the threat of pests. Ant pesticides are produced by bacteria they allow to grow in their nests, and in some cases even on their bodies. […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
EDITOR'S PICK SCIENCE How Ants Could Inspire Solutions For Human Problems Key Takeaways: There may be new wisdom to gain from what scientists have learned about ants’ biology. Ant farmers face many of the same challenges as human farmers do, including the threat of pests. Ant pesticides are produced by bacteria they allow to grow in their nests, and in some cases even on their bodies. […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked