Thai Nguyen's articles ENTREPRENEURSHIP The 8 Eccentric Habits of Geniuses There’s a fascinating link between geniuses and eccentric behavior. Einstein picked cigarette butts off the street and used the tobacco for his pipe; Benjamin Franklin sat naked in front of a window every morning and let the air circulate over his body. He called it an “air bath”. Their eccentricity isn’t completely without explanation; there are mental benefits […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS Overcoming the Ego Many of us would, if we knew what on earth the ego was. Indeed, trying to understand the totality of the human psyché is complex. Plato and Aristotle divided our psyché into three parts; so did Freud with the id, ego, and super-ego. Modern psychologists describe the ego as the inner-narrator of our self-consciousness; umpiring our thoughts, feelings, and actions. The ego’s […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS STRATEGY 10 Powerful Lessons from “The Alchemist” The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is one of the best-selling books in history, selling over 65 million copies in 56 different languages. The story of Santiago, the shepherd boy on a journey to realize his “Personal Legend” has inspired people all over the world to live out their dreams. Here are ten of the most […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS Living with Integrity My friend recently turned down what many would consider a ‘massive’ opportunity. He was invited onto a show followed by millions. This would’ve tripled his exposure and income. But it challenged his principles and values, and rather than compromise, he declined. That’s integrity. The mirror turned onto myself—would I have made the same decision? I […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS 12 Thought-Provoking Quotes From A Prisoner Of Auschwitz As many as 6000 people were killed each day during the Holocaust. Escaping death and enduring the brutal conditions of the concentration camps, Viktor Frankl chronicles his experiences as an Auschwitz inmate in: Man’s Search for Meaning. Frankl’s survival through one of history’s darkest events, and reflections on the fortitude of the human spirit, have inspired millions around the […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS Mastering The Monster Inside Your Head The monster has been called a lot of names: “the imposter syndrome,” “the lizard brain,” “the inner fraud.” It’s that voice inside your head undermining everything you do. You’re not good enough…You just got really lucky…There are people far better and more qualified than you… It’s been defined as, “feelings of inadequacy that persist even in […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS Is I.Q. Important In Achieving Success? When it comes to what determines success, many would put their money a high intelligence quotient. There’s no doubt IQ plays a role in academic achievement, but acceptance into an Ivy League school far from guarantees success in life. CEOs who’ve recruited the brightest graduates become puzzled at the bell curve of performance—after all, shouldn’t all […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS Do You Have To Be Smart To Be Successful? When it comes to what determines success, many would put their money a high intelligence quotient. There’s no doubt IQ plays a role in academic achievement, but acceptance into an Ivy League school far from guarantees success in life. CEOs who’ve recruited the brightest graduates become puzzled at the bell curve of performance—after all, shouldn’t […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS 7 Tips To Capture Your Audience & Customers After finally asking the young lady for a date, the nervous young man asked his father how to avoid moments of awkward silence. His father quickly responded, “Son, when it comes to conversation, all you have to remember are three things: food, family, and philosophy, and you’ll have plenty to talk about” The night of the […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS Hacking Yourself For Happiness We might not have a money tree, but we can have a happiness tree. Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins are the quartet responsible for our happiness. Many events can trigger these neurotransmitters, but rather than being in the passenger seat, there are ways we can intentionally cause them to flow. Being in a positive state […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS 3 Stories That Will Change Your Perspective Forever If a picture speaks a thousand words, then a parable speaks a thousand truths. We love stories with hidden meanings—whether it’s a movie, book, or performance, the underlying truth that sparks the “A-ha moment” captures us. That’s what parables do. Parables have been told for centuries across all cultures, and they’re just as profound today. Here […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS 10 Secrets To Boosting Productivity Whether you’re in Australia, England, or America; blue-collared, white, or pink, we’ve all got 24-hours to work with. Success comes down to what we’re able to do in those hours. No entrepreneur can keep the sun from setting or add hours to their day, but there are strategies that will help maximize work habits and productivity. Here […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked Loading Load more
ENTREPRENEURSHIP The 8 Eccentric Habits of Geniuses There’s a fascinating link between geniuses and eccentric behavior. Einstein picked cigarette butts off the street and used the tobacco for his pipe; Benjamin Franklin sat naked in front of a window every morning and let the air circulate over his body. He called it an “air bath”. Their eccentricity isn’t completely without explanation; there are mental benefits […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS Overcoming the Ego Many of us would, if we knew what on earth the ego was. Indeed, trying to understand the totality of the human psyché is complex. Plato and Aristotle divided our psyché into three parts; so did Freud with the id, ego, and super-ego. Modern psychologists describe the ego as the inner-narrator of our self-consciousness; umpiring our thoughts, feelings, and actions. The ego’s […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS STRATEGY 10 Powerful Lessons from “The Alchemist” The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is one of the best-selling books in history, selling over 65 million copies in 56 different languages. The story of Santiago, the shepherd boy on a journey to realize his “Personal Legend” has inspired people all over the world to live out their dreams. Here are ten of the most […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS Living with Integrity My friend recently turned down what many would consider a ‘massive’ opportunity. He was invited onto a show followed by millions. This would’ve tripled his exposure and income. But it challenged his principles and values, and rather than compromise, he declined. That’s integrity. The mirror turned onto myself—would I have made the same decision? I […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS 12 Thought-Provoking Quotes From A Prisoner Of Auschwitz As many as 6000 people were killed each day during the Holocaust. Escaping death and enduring the brutal conditions of the concentration camps, Viktor Frankl chronicles his experiences as an Auschwitz inmate in: Man’s Search for Meaning. Frankl’s survival through one of history’s darkest events, and reflections on the fortitude of the human spirit, have inspired millions around the […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS Mastering The Monster Inside Your Head The monster has been called a lot of names: “the imposter syndrome,” “the lizard brain,” “the inner fraud.” It’s that voice inside your head undermining everything you do. You’re not good enough…You just got really lucky…There are people far better and more qualified than you… It’s been defined as, “feelings of inadequacy that persist even in […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS Is I.Q. Important In Achieving Success? When it comes to what determines success, many would put their money a high intelligence quotient. There’s no doubt IQ plays a role in academic achievement, but acceptance into an Ivy League school far from guarantees success in life. CEOs who’ve recruited the brightest graduates become puzzled at the bell curve of performance—after all, shouldn’t all […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS Do You Have To Be Smart To Be Successful? When it comes to what determines success, many would put their money a high intelligence quotient. There’s no doubt IQ plays a role in academic achievement, but acceptance into an Ivy League school far from guarantees success in life. CEOs who’ve recruited the brightest graduates become puzzled at the bell curve of performance—after all, shouldn’t […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS 7 Tips To Capture Your Audience & Customers After finally asking the young lady for a date, the nervous young man asked his father how to avoid moments of awkward silence. His father quickly responded, “Son, when it comes to conversation, all you have to remember are three things: food, family, and philosophy, and you’ll have plenty to talk about” The night of the […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS Hacking Yourself For Happiness We might not have a money tree, but we can have a happiness tree. Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins are the quartet responsible for our happiness. Many events can trigger these neurotransmitters, but rather than being in the passenger seat, there are ways we can intentionally cause them to flow. Being in a positive state […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS 3 Stories That Will Change Your Perspective Forever If a picture speaks a thousand words, then a parable speaks a thousand truths. We love stories with hidden meanings—whether it’s a movie, book, or performance, the underlying truth that sparks the “A-ha moment” captures us. That’s what parables do. Parables have been told for centuries across all cultures, and they’re just as profound today. Here […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ENTREPRENEURSHIP STARTUPS 10 Secrets To Boosting Productivity Whether you’re in Australia, England, or America; blue-collared, white, or pink, we’ve all got 24-hours to work with. Success comes down to what we’re able to do in those hours. No entrepreneur can keep the sun from setting or add hours to their day, but there are strategies that will help maximize work habits and productivity. Here […] Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked