Imagine cycling 365 hours of cycling a year for Rs. 300 only! Just use docking stations and you’re good to go – no maintainance or even buying! In other words, India might have its first automated bicycle sharing system up and running very soon. Meet Srinivas, Arfath and Shridhi, the entrepreneurs behind ATCAG, as they tell you about their partnership with government officials to form Kerberon Automation!
Lakshmi Rebecca runs India’s first award-winning Indian online talk show called ‘Chai with Lakshmi’, is the founder of Red Bangle - a film production house in Bangalore, and is the maker of the Youtube series, ‘India Ahead’. Lakshmi is a qualified marketer from Sheffield Business School, UK, where she also researched and taught marketing. Chai with Lakshmi, which features and people and ideas positively shaping India for the futures, recently became a WSA nominee (a UN initiated award for the best in global e-content). Red Bangle, Lakshmi’s production house, has made nearly 300 films, which range from Ad films to corporate films.