Startup Ideas are as sensitive as the new born babies, you nourish them, groom them with utmost care. A lot of startups has emerged as super powers in the recent times, with millions of funding. Though they remain as the inspiration for the upcoming startups, the mantra or the key behind their success is still debatable and mysterious.

We see a lot of articles talking about the rules and secrets to scale up your startup at a different level, some are outdated and some are fantasizing. Since the money and resources are limited for a growing startup, any new step for advancements seems like a monstrous job. But it ain’t right. As the founder of Brandvoy, one of the best advertising agencies in India for startups, I have clearly understood the financial and Operational hurdles in running a startup.

So, this is how you promote your startup in Initial Stages.

  1. A solid website

    You might have heard this a million times, but i say, there is no harm in hearing for the Million oneth time. With the strong influence of internet in the current trends, a strong POS or Presence on the web is a must and the basics start from the website. Designing the site as a lead generation machine is strongly recommended for any kind of business, it might be either a product or a service. Remember, CTAs on your website are key for your online Leads.

  2. Social Networking

    I would take the freedom now, to break a globally accepted myth, where Facebook and Twitter are only considered as the social Media. Every niche has it’s own social media, that needs to be identified and explored to the fullest. Combination of networks from multiple sources can get the best results.

  3. Public Relations

    Usually PR agencies are expensive if you are planning to feature your startup on a some blog or news paper. No worries, you can find a good number of Online news portals or blogs that can help you in promotion for free of cost say Yourstory, Chalohyderabad etc.,. This will also help you in search engines, with a increased level of web foot prints.

  4. Search Engine Optimization

    Most effective and important way to be the pioneers in the market. Though the process is slow and painstaking, it will help you in generating leading consistently in a long run. There are companies or organizations, who spends huge amounts just stay on top of the search results as they know the value of it. Since you don’t have a budget of that sort, i suggest you to keep calm and relaxed. Focus on writing fresh relevant content for your website, and make sure that the headings and titles are defined according to the target. Do not ignore on optimizing the images. Regularly follow Google Analytic, Webmaster or any other metrics tool that gives you the idea on the customer behavior and acquisition.

  5. Do your Job Right

    Your clients are your salesmen. If you understand this phrase, you understood your business.

  6. Keep your Employees happy

    The people you spend the most with, as a startup is your employees. Meaning you want to see happy faces around to bring in some positive energy, right? If they are not happy, your clients are not happy making you and your Startup Unhappy. Give some space to think and work, provided paying them on time. A happy employee is always there to share his work culture with friends and family with pride, a promotion in fact.

  7. Referrals

    Nothing beats this method, if you have a strong network of people around. This is one of the reasons why grads or drop outs from premium institutes are successful as their alumni are already there at that level. Pay them or Help them back with a referral, but do not forget to return the favor in any ways.

About the Author

Imran Mohammad, is an advertising and branding professional at Brandvoy Designs, a full service advertising agency in Hyderabad, India. Can be reached at [email protected]

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