Mark Humes was born and raised in the United States. As part of his U.S Army Service, Mark was stationed in South Korea where he was exposed to the Korean entrepreneurial spirit. Markís experience in Korea allowed him to appreciate the entrepreneurial culture in this part of the world and he made the decision that upon leaving the Military he would start a business in the fashion he had seen.

Mark was the owner of a worldwide Internet radio station when his Spirit of entrepreneurship and love of art led him to launch Mark Humes gallery on the Internet; Mark explored a lot of ideas and concepts about how the art world currently worked and saw a huge gap in the industry, and felt as an artist his artwork should be made available to everyone and not just consigned to Galleries, Museums, and Auctions for the Elite to own.

After completing the creation of his first art collection along with his first fully released Artbook: The Book of Lost Verses He had decided it was time to bring Mark Humes Gallery to the world.

In your own words, what do you do?

I create original works of abstract digital art I then market to the world as wall art prints and prints on everyday items such as cell phone cases, towels, tote bags and even books.

What led you to your current career?

I have always been an artist, and I saw a large disconnect between people and artwork and I wanted to lead the way in closing that gap by making my unique art available to public by working with prints and put those prints on useful items.

Could you walk us through your process of developing your business?

The process started with creating a base body of work even in art; No business can run without inventory, at that point being a digital artist I had to solve the logistical issues of meeting manufacturing demands for all of my products as well as shipping needs. Once the creatives, manufacturing and shipping needs were met attention was turned towards marketing and the ongoing challenge to draw attention to our products.

Did you encounter any particular difficulties in the beginning?

I met with quite a bit of resistance, An Artist mass producing his artwork before entering the market through art galleries and seeking critics approval is just not done, and there was a concern about the collectability of my artwork. I overcame this by offering one of a kind artworks via commission to art collectors who seek original work. As far as art critics go my customers are the only critics I care about I would rather have the public’s love than a critics approval.


What is your long term plan?

My long term plan is to create unique art, present that art if the form of useful everyday products and continue the time-honored tradition of creating art books.

Could you share with us some industry insights?

I see the art world changing a lot in the  Digital age. I see a time when digital art will become more of an everyday thing where it will not have to be printed to a hard copy because people will be using monitors with slide shows to display whole collections of art in the space that used to hold a single artwork.


What are some important lessons you’ve learnt about entrepreneurship?

The main lesson I have learned is never stop moving forward and be prolific in product creation there is always a new market to tap, and you just need the right product to tap it.

Any tips for achieving success?

Never stop. Many in the business world have become icons not by acts of great prowess but by simply outlasting their competition.





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