What’s your story?
I have lived in Singapore since 2006 and I have been heading up a Swiss MFO since December 2016. Before that, I worked for Bank Julius Baer in Singapore and before that, for DB in Zurich. Today’s jobs offer you freedom to be creative and live the entrepreneurial spirit with great diversity.
What is your involvement with Investment?
As the CEO of the company I am deeply involved with investments for our clients. It is key to at least try to be one step ahead and on top of what is going on. Needless to say this needs to be in many different areas. The extra mile is something I really want to live by. I contribute excellence and passion to my daily work.
How did that come about?
I have been involved in the financial industry since my early 20’s. I have been an fx broker and dealer with a two year stay in Tokyo, a swap trader, an investment and private banker and now I am a family officer. The variety of all this experience has helped me tremendously over the years in understanding the individual client’s needs.
What are some of the key things you have learnt about Investing?
Certainly patience and that the trees are not always growing towards the sky. Don’t be too proud to take a profit, or cut your losses if momentum is turning against you. Be open minded and true to yourself.
What mistakes do you see less experienced investors making?
Following the mainstream instead of being opportunistic and listening to less experienced people. Being stubborn and too proud to admit the learning curve. Not listening enough to yourself and following your gut. Getting manipulated by things outside your control without realising it.
What mistakes do you see Entrepreneurs making?
Not being patient and honest enough to themselves when it is not working or when a change of direction is needed. This asks for a lot of courage and a visionary mindset. Being too proud and getting too emotional and stubborn.
What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
Keep all your options open. Speaking your mind is not always a smart way of reaching your goals.
What advice would you give to those seeking funding?
Put skin in the game and share the pain. This is fair, I believe.
Who inspires you?
People who are hard working, honest, positive thinking and never give up. Those with a great attitude, energetic and full of drive enabling them to motivate others, these people inspire me.
What have you just learnt recently that blew you away?
A discussion with my daughter who shared with me her priceless advice on how to keep emotions and behaviour in check and how to manage self-criticism to become a better person and manager. This was truly great coaching.
What business book do you recommend the most?
“Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman which is rich and fascinating. This book talks about two brain systems which drive the way we think. Excellent book.
Shameless plug for your business/organisation:
I am a very opportunistic and enthusiastic person and I am not afraid of facing the head wind. The latest example of my work is the launch of the first cryptocurrency fund which started with a simple request and quickly became a very serious project which we successfully mastered. We had to cross many hurdles facing always the unknown but this is exactly the exciting thing about what I am doing with my team.
How can people connect with you?
Mainly through LinkedIn or through my trusted network or via our company web page: https://www.helvetic-investments.sg/
This article is part of the World Business Angel Forum media partnership with AsianEntrepreneur.org
If you would like more information about WBAF, please contact Callum Laing WBAF High Commissioner for Singapore. [email protected]