Samuel Wang, founder of Akufuncture

Samuel Wang is the owner and founder of Akufuncture, an international clothing brand that has been garnering alot of press in the past few years. Akufuncture is unique in that it is probably one of the very few existing clothing lines in the world that heavily draws on chinese cultural references at the core of its designs. The clothing brand fuses chinese culture with urban styles to produce fresh designs that have met international acclaim.

Samuel was originally driven to be an engineer. However, after graduating with an engineering degree from the University of California, San Diego, Samuel discovered a great passion for fashion. As a person who had been born and raised in Taiwan before moving to the United States, Samuel decided to a develop a line of clothing that speaks true to his personal lifestyle and background.​
Samuel is with us today to talk to us about the clothing brand he has created.

What is the idea behind Akufuncture?

Akufuncture is about fusing American pop culture with Chinese culture. We just wanted more people to embrace, understand, and love this beautiful culture with 5000 years of history. It is like acupuncture, right to the point, but with a funk, hence Akufuncture!


How did you materialize Akufuncture from an idea into reality?

The idea had been brewing for a few years, but it never materialized until a bad job that I had. I just didn’t enjoy working there, and it pushed me to start own business so I can enjoy my work.

What were the challenges you faced in setting up Akufuncture as a brand and how did you overcome it?

The biggest issue was probably the lack of understanding of the fashion world. I was not a designer by trade so I made branding mistakes along the way. It really took trust in the right people to give me the right advice to help me excel in this brand. I was lucky to have met so many friends and mentors that were willing to guide me in my journey.

What are the current challenges before Akufuncture today and how do you approach them?

The market for street wear moved away from the graphic tees and into designs and cuts that are simpler. We had to find innovative ways to incorporate Chinese culture designs to this new trend. It was a fun challenge but I believe we have met the challenge.


Would you have taken a different approach if you were given a second chance to start over?

I can’t say I would change anything I have done. I think the way I approached Akufuncture really kept me grounded and forced me to learn all aspects of this industry from the beginning.

What was the happiest and most memorable moment for you in the life of Akufuncture?

When I got interviewed by you guys and the day we sold to our first customer. To know that someone out there was willing to spend money on something I created from the ground up was amazing.

Could you give an important advice to other entrepreneurs out there?

Love what you do. Only when you can sustain your passion should you put your mind into entrepreneurship.

What does the future hold for Akufuncture?

We are hoping to receive some investments (currently in the talks) and also to be able to open up to the Chinese market.

What drives Akufuncture as a brand?

The desire to educate and create awareness for Chinese culture.

In your own opinion, makes a business successful?

A business that can pay your bills and make you extremely proud and happy.

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How did you materialize Akufuncture from an idea into reality?

The idea had been brewing for a few years, but it never materialized until a bad job that I had. I just didn’t enjoy working there, and it pushed me to start own business so I can enjoy my work.

What were the challenges you faced in setting up Akufuncture as a brand and how did you overcome it?

The biggest issue was probably the lack of understanding of the fashion world. I was not a designer by trade so I made branding mistakes along the way. It really took trust in the right people to give me the right advice to help me excel in this brand. I was lucky to have met so many friends and mentors that were willing to guide me in my journey.

What are the current challenges before Akufuncture today and how do you approach them?

The market for street wear moved away from the graphic tees and into designs and cuts that are simpler. We had to find innovative ways to incorporate Chinese culture designs to this new trend. It was a fun challenge but I believe we have met the challenge.

And what was the saddest moment?

When we have designs that don’t sell as well as we had anticipated.


What are you guys currently working on at Akufuncture?

We are rebranding Akufuncture right now. It is a risk to change the look and feel that our customers have come to love but we feel that to reach the next level, we have to make some changes to Akufuncture.

What drives Akufuncture as a brand?
The desire to educate and create awareness for Chinese culture.

In your own opinion, makes a business successful?
A business that can pay your bills and make you extremely proud and happy.

Could you give an important advice to other entrepreneurs out there?
Love what you do. Only when you can sustain your passion should you put your mind into entrepreneurship.


Email: [email protected]


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