Startups Grinding it out in Paradise

Entrepreneurs Institute and Entrepreneur Resorts proudly announce their new alliance with Google for Entrepreneurs.

Google for Entrepreneurs launched in Silicon Valley and has expanded to a network of “Startup Grind” events for entrepreneurs in over 100 cities around the world. These events are designed to educate, inspire, and connect entrepreneurs and is proving to be THE smartest way for entrepreneurs to connect with like minded people in their area, at a grass roots level.

Entrepreneurs Institute and Roger Hamilton’s Entrepreneur Resort, Vision Villas, is now the official host of Startup Grind in Bali.

They will be welcoming inspiring guest speakers, successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors to share personal stories and lessons learned on the road to building great companies, such as Steve Piro, founder of Synergy Carbon of one of “The Top 10 Hottest Startups in Bali” as recently published in Huffington Post.

For more information please visit:

About Entrepreneurs Institute:

The core principle behind Entrepreneurs Institute is a focus on empowering and inspiring entrepreneurs to follow their flow in today’s world where we are overloaded with information and lacking in direction. This is achieved through their online platform, assessments, learning tools, mentoring, events and entrepreneur resorts.

What sets them apart from other entrepreneur education groups are the resources developed around four areas of focus: Who you are, where you are, where you’re going and how to get there.  By knowing where we are and where we’re going, we can focus on the direction we need – the next step to take – “You don’t need to know every step. You just need to know the right step, right now.”

Join them for their inaugural Startup Grind event – Saturday, 16th August 2014 and become part of the inspiring and global community. 

About Entrepreneur Resorts:

Entrepreneur Resorts are committed to educating and connecting entrepreneurs in paradise locations, such as Bali and soon to be Hawaii. They are leaders in the revolution of living life by design. Based on Roger Hamilton’s Wealth Lighthouse, their resorts are specifically tailored for co working, giving entrepreneurs a unique experience of collaboration, expert training and mentorship. Entrepreneur Resorts connect entrepreneurs with leading experts that inspire, educate and transform businesses to experience sustainable profit and purpose while in paradise. This synergy of global connection and environment accelerates a business like no other consulting or in house training can provide.

For further information please visit:

Join them for their inaugural Startup Grind event – Saturday, 16th August 2014 and become part of the inspiring and global community.

Get your ticket now $5 (inc. dinner):


@ XL Vision Villas,
Jl. Masceti Medahan, Gianyar
Bali 80581 (near Bali Safari)


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