How adversity and revenge provided the impetus to begin a path of healing and social change, with a splash of green goodness!

What’s your story?

I started my first venture at the age of 18 out of “revenge”. I was shortchanged by my first official client and decided I should seriously learn how to conduct a proper business. That made me decide to jump ship from a Science degree to the Singapore Management University as their pioneer intake. Fifteen years on and after about seven businesses and business ideas, I currently own one social enterprise, The Healing Concierge, one brand, LINS Smooodees owned by The Healing Concierge and one start-up, ZocialRipple Pte Ltd.

To summarise the story of my life in one sentence, I’ve climbed hills and slipped down slopes and now I’m enjoying the calm waters.

What excites you most about your industry?

The people and what they are doing with their lives. The fact that it is unfathomable and everyday I learn something new.  

The opportunity and ability to connect with people (like yourselves!) and really enjoy life to the fullest.

In this industry, we live and learn to embrace challenges, be grateful and make a living at the same time.

When you spend time around positive people wanting to do good, your whole being thrives.

How exciting is that?

What’s your connection to Asia?

I’m a second generation born and bred Singaporean with ancestry stemming from Indonesia, China, Thailand and the Dutch (in days of Trade and Colonization). I spent one month a year in Thailand from the age of 8 to 12 and consider the families I lived with there one of my own.

I’m pretty much rooted in Asia with connections to the rest of the World.

Lin Smoodees Shoot-33 Lin Smoodees Shoot-36

Favourite city in Asia for business and why?

Singapore due to its stable integration of business, government and society.

  • Ease of registering and setting up of businesses and the rule of law (black and white)
  • Stable and competent government (least corrupt)
  • Efficient infrastructure (clean, green and in good working condition)
  • Secure financial systems (accountable)
  • Easy access to the rest of the region (convenience)
  • Access to business networking and trade information from all over the world. (connections)
  • Purchasing power parity of a maturing and diverse society (revenues and test markets)

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?

“Send love to everyone – including those who go against you.” Do this by sending positive statements and thoughts to the person in question so that the energy flow that returns remains positive. This helps in balancing the psyche, particularly in cases of trauma, pain and hurt. I’ve tried and tested it many times!

Who inspires you?

Nature and humans.

I also love reading and watching historical period dramas of the different dynasties. Particularly the Korean dynasties. I am inspired by the historical figures who draw tons of ideas and insights out of me to whatever I’m experiencing. Be it a realisation of past incidents, understanding of the present or how I can plan for the future.

But if I absolutely had to choose, it would be my husband, to be.

What have you just learnt recently that blew you away?

I have learnt two things recently.

The first….

That Singaporeans do care and share the passing of our Founding Father MM Lee who has ignited fire and passion in them.

It blew me away to witness how the various communities grew smaller as more people, regardless of race, nationality, religion and age came together to be a collective kampong again.

All thanks to social media as well for assisting the spread of euphoria (good and bad).

The kampong spirit lives on!

It dawned on me that I am not just making history in my own life but am also truly witnessing history in the making.

I’m glad to be alive in this age and time.

The second thing I learnt recently….

That I’m actually an Intuitive and have expanded my state of Consciousness! So now, to work on expanding my wisdom quotient.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?

I would have pursued a law degree and then an MBA. Curious to see if and how my life would have panned out differently.

And in another time, if I may, it would be great if I was born a man. Again, just to see how my life would be any different and to test gender equality issues. That will be interesting don’t you think?

How do you unwind?

Over the years I’ve tried various forms of relaxation techniques and activities but none could get to the root of the knot as effectively and quickly as meditation. My favourite form of meditation is a grounding technique which I use as much as possible and whenever I’m by the beach. This technique involves standing barefoot on the grass, two feet planted firmly on the ground, and just going within… into the depths of my soul (inner being)… being with your breath… Namaste…

Or just chilling at quaint coffee places with a book or fast WiFi. Typical.

Favourite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?

Phuket and all its surrounding islands.

It is a “mountain” (phu) of “jewels” (ket) with a view and beautiful beaches. How not to relax?

Not forgetting peace-loving people and fresh, delicious food.

As the Chinese saying goes “有山有海“ (have mountain, have sea), best feng shui to restore your energies. Enough said!

Everyone in business should read this book:

One Man’s View of the World by Lee Kuan Yew


any book by Paulo Coelho.

Shameless plug for your business:

LINS Smoodees is the best and only dedicated green smoothie provider in the world! Blended fresh daily, we take pride in delivering probably the most nutritious and tastiest green smoodees you can ever have. Log on to to place your order now. Only sold in Singapore and soon, Bangkok.

How can people connect with you?

@TheHealingConcierge, via [email protected] or our Smoodear Hotline 64382123.

Twitter handle?


This interview was part of the Callum Connect’s column found on The Asian Entrepreneur:


Callum Laing invests and buys small businesses in a range of industries around Asia.  He has previously started, built and sold half a dozen businesses and is the founder & owner of Fitness-Buffet a company delivering employee wellness solutions in 12 countries.  He is a Director of, amongst others, Key Person of Influence.  A 40 week training program for business owners and executives.

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