Agnes Lo, motivational speaker, personal coach & corporate trainer, designs targeted, innovative solutions to move people and businesses forward in competitive markets.

What’s your story?
I was the Senior Regional Manager of Training in a multi-national French company with a significant Asian presence for 16 years. It was a positive experience.

I asked myself, “Is this what I want? Is this all there is?”

I found that I wanted to develop and positively impact more individuals.

That is when I stepped out of my comfortable 9 to 6 job, founded Solution Bulb in 2017 and began work as a Corporate Trainer and Strengths Coach. I am developing talents globally and in multiple industries, not only helping individuals sharpen their skills, but also changing their attitudes towards work. I feel most fulfilled now.

What excites you most about your industry?
I love positively impacting people and seeing how they change from their old limiting habits and beliefs into new limitless ones. It is fascinating to see people unveil their hidden abilities and discover their true strengths.

Aside from teaching people how to better understand themselves and to strive in the workplace, I have also taught people to be confident, to be grateful, and to have positive mindsets.

I believe one of the most crucial elements needed in the corporate workplace, rather than just technical skills, is empowering life skills and inspiring others. It is what I strive for as a trainer and coach.

What’s your connection to Asia?
I was born and completed teacher training in Hong Kong. I attended university in the USA and moved to Canada but chose to return to Hong Kong in 2001. Quickly I found a job I loved. I had the honor to provide training in cities around the Asia Pacific for over 16 years! In this role, I trained and made connections in a wide variety of cultures and beliefs.

While being the founder and lead trainer of Solution Bulb, aside from organizing training in Hong Kong, I have also been holding workshops in places like Malaysia, Brunei, Taiwan, Thailand, and mainland China.

Favorite city in Asia for business and why?
My favorite city in Asia would be Hong Kong. It is not only my hometown but also the place where my company, Solution Bulb, was founded.

It’s a spot where the east meets the west, and you can see a lot of individuals of different specialties, backgrounds, and mindsets here. Not only are there talented individuals, but also people who are eager to learn. I am so grateful that I can provide so much value to individuals and talents in this area.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
I have learned from my mentor that the most valuable and secure investment one can invest in is investing in oneself. That is why I believe in life-long learning. I always schedule my time annually to attend classes to upgrade myself.

While there are risks in every investment portfolio, there are only absolute returns if we invest in ourselves. Learning something new every single day, sharpening my own skills, and teaching it back to the public has been my motto and way of life. I want everyone around me to also understand the importance of investing in oneself.

Who inspires you?
My grandmother is my role model and inspiration. She demonstrated an unconditional giver’s life. She supported her family as a young widow and always helped her friends with no expectation of repayment. I have inherited her values. It’s in this simple paradigm shift that I, as a Professional Trainer, can find a new level of performance in my craft and change lives in the communities I serve.

This attitude towards sharing my belief through my training has created numerous positive responses from my clients including referrals to others needing my professional services.

What have you just learned recently that blew you away?
In my profession, I work with people of all ages, from high school students to older and senior employees in large corporations. I am constantly impressed by the insight these people have into the situations and problems that we face as a society every day. The mind-blowing part of this is that everyone is unique in their own way and it is when everyone works together that difficult projects can succeed. At every client interface, I come away learning something new for myself.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
I do not have many regrets in life and I am happy with where my life has taken me and where it will lead me next. If I could start over in making other choices in my life, I would have started my public speaking journey at Toastmasters at an earlier age. That would have given me an opportunity at an earlier point to help younger people with gaining self-confidence in a public setting.

Recently, I have had great pleasure in helping young people in public speaking and developing their self-confidence.

How do you unwind?
I am very active in Toastmasters International. It has created a wide cast of friends, enhanced my public speaking and tested my creativity in a supportive and loving environment. I travel extensively attending Toastmaster competitions. Which then supports my other love, the love of travel, seeing and experiencing other worlds and cultures.

Favorite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
I love nothing more than relaxing myself with a trip to Angkor Wat, Cambodia. A perfect escape is to go for cooking classes, yoga, meditation, and photography.

Everyone in business should read this book:
Simon Sinek- Leaders Eat Last

Being a corporate trainer, I have found that people have so many misconceptions and misunderstandings towards being a leader. They believe that they need to talk fast, loud, and strong to be a leader. This book has been one of my favorite books given to my mentees. It has shattered misconceptions of leadership and explained a new form of leadership for my mentees.

Shameless plug for your business:
I am a Hong Kong based Corporate Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Distinguished Toastmaster, a Certified Clifton Strengths Coach, MBTI and DiSC Personality Profile Trainer. I specialize in designing corporate training including sales, communications, presentation skills, teambuilding, strengths-based leadership skill, and life skill development, etc. I recently worked with young clients to help them discover their strengths and use those strengths to write their personal statements for university applications. I provide personal coaching using the Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment methodology. I enjoy traveling to the Asia Pacific region, conducting workshops, seminars, training, and personal coaching. I am fluent in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.

How can people connect with you?
Agnes Lo- Corporate Trainer 羅淑嫻 – 企業培訓師
Leading Trainer of Solution Bulb
Address: 17th Floor, 80 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, China
Number: +852 61361466
WeChat: Agnes61361466
Linkedin: Agnes Lo
Facebook Page: Solution Bulb
E-mail: [email protected]

This interview is part of the ‘Callum Connects’ series of more than 500 interviews

Callum Laing is an entrepreneur and investor based in Singapore. He has previously started, built and sold half a dozen businesses and is now a Partner at Unity-Group Private Equity and Co-Founder and CEO of MBH Corporation PLC. He is the author of two best-selling books ‘Progressive Partnerships’ and ‘Agglomerate’.

Connect with Callum on Twitter and LinkedIn
Download free copies of his books at

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