Saurabh runs a cafe in the Millennium city gurgaon, an IT hub near Delhi. Most of his clients are IT and Business professionals who came for a business meeting or to spend some time without losing touch with their online presence. Demand for free WiFi from customers is high but saurabh understands the risk of opening up his WiFi to strangers. Starbucks next to his Cafe has a managed WiFi from parent company TATA which makes saurabh nervous because clients may choose expensive Starbucks over his cafe just for WiFi. While looking for a slimier solution which do not cost him too much Saurabh’s good friend suggested him a company – BhaiFi, who’s system he has used couple of times in another cafe.


Today saurabh is a happy customer of BhaiFi, a safe, legally compliant and economical WiFi solution provider company Based out of Delhi, India. In the short span of 9 months BhaiFi has an impressive list of clients, serving 65000 customers every week in 5 cities of India. “We are not just solving a major pain area for SME’s but at consumer end as well. Logging into a public WiFi hotspot is always painfull, but BhaiFi is trying to take user experience to the next level which makes a happy business and a happy customer-base” says Sachin – Founder of BhaiFi.


BhaiFi is not only present in Cafe and Restaurant segment but all the business where providing WiFi internet is a customer need like Gym, saloon, clubs and even at public places. Bhaifi is not only securing WiFi but also provides inbuilt marketing solutions for business. “Business today do not have any source of capturing customer data. Everyday all this valuable data is lost which could have been used for business marketing, with BhaiFi it’s as easy as a button click on” – says Sachin. Maintaining a guest book or a visiting card collection bowl is a thing of past now, with BhaiFi a business can harness the power of customer data using WiFi and use it for recurring business. BhaiFi provides an online account to each business owner from where they can set bandwidth limits for each customer, can see reports on usage and can check their bandwidth consumption. Using BhaiFi business can create and run a feedback survey and see customer response online any time and from anywhere.


BhaiFi is growing super-fast and with a small team of 6 right now they are aiming to capture the whole country. “We do not need large team or have big marketing budget to grow, our system is plug and play and we are getting business from word of mouth publicity. We are changing the game for conventional business owners and bringing more and more people online every day with a fully managed and secure WiFi system.” – adds Sachin.


BhaiFi has some aggressive plans to gain momentum in coming months and who knows next time you visit a cafe you will be using a WiFi powered by BhaiFi.

To know more visit :



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