This article was originally published here: Chanequa Strickland – Founder & CEO of Strickland’s House Of Herbs Co

Chanequa Strickland

Chanequa Strickland

A love of farming has given Chenequa Strickland the opportunity to create a herbal business.

What’s your story?

I’ve always been into farming so I dedicated the last 17 years to farming things such as winter wheat, hay grazer and milo. I wanted a better way to help people from a holistic perspective. It has been an amazing journey.

What excites you most about your industry?

The fact that I can watch my seeds grow into to something spectacular for the whole body inside and out.

Chanequa candid

What drives you in business to push beyond what other people consider normal?

To know I am giving people what our creator provided on earth for us to survive, eat and heal our bodies naturally.

What have been the most useful skills you have learnt and applied in your journey?

Meditation. Once you become comfortable to look within yourself that’s when you can find your true skills.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?

Change your thoughts and it will change your life.

Who inspires you?

My uncle. This man has been in business for years and hasn’t complained about anything yet. I had to find something that I enjoyed doing so it would be fun instead of a burden.

What have you learnt recently that blew you away?

For every disease you have there is a herb for it.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?

I would’ve been an Herblist fresh out of high school.

How do you unwind?

Meditation music, affirmations and reading.

What is a major mindset change, belief shift or ‘ah ha’ moment that you’ve experienced in relation to your business?

Everything is already within me I just had to sit with myself and figure it out.

Everyone in business should read this book:

Black business secrets by Dante Lee
Alkaline herbal medicine by Aquiyl Aniys
The science of the mind by Ernest Holmes
Drinkable healing herbal infusion by Brighid Doherty

Chanequa candid

Shameless plug for your business:

I believe in building friendships along the way. I will always be hands on when it comes to anybody supporting my business.

How can people connect with you?

[email protected]

Social Media Links?

This interview is part of the CallumConnects series.

Chanequa Strickland – Founder & CEO of Strickland’s House Of Herbs Co
The EnterpriseZone Writing Team

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