When home owners inevitably encounter the diverse challenges that arise during the construction of a custom pool, they often seek the guidance of Charles Lubbat of Atlanta, Georgia. With well over a decade’s worth of experience, Mr. Lubbat offers a comprehensive approach and is well regarded for his expertise in a number of critical areas, including design and construction of awe inspiring custom pools.
- In your own words what do you do?
My consulting work typically focuses on the issues new home owners are likely to face, so I’ve developed a comprehensive approach designed to address the full spectrum of potential client needs. I specialize in custom shapes and materials, and I also have a tremendous amount of experience in developing the unique water features like whirlpools and jets.
- What led you to your current business?
After graduating with a degree in architecture, I took stock of my future career opportunities in the construction field and couldn’t help but conclude that I’d be more passionate about assisting families looking to build their home during the most important stages of development. I’m certain that I would have enjoyed an architecture career and would have found it rewarding, but I also know that I am just that much more passionate about my work as a consultant.
- Could you walk us through your process of developing your business?
I built my business around what I recognized as my strongest areas of expertise and developed a plan to broaden that expertise over time. During the process of developing my business, I relied on many of the same strategies I use to help homeowners develop their own design style.
- Did you encounter any particular difficulties in the beginning?
My only concern was being able to manage all the time required to build my business the way I envisioned without sacrificing the quality time available to my family. Fortunately, my wife and daughters have always been supportive of me and we all make every effort to spend as much time together as possible despite our busy schedules.
- What is your long-term plan?
We have a long-term plan in place — along with several contingency plans — that should allow us to provide our comprehensive and detail-oriented consulting services to a broader base of clients without adversely affecting the quality or depth of the services we’ve built our reputation on.
- Could you share with us some industry insights?
Every family looking to build really needs to recognize the value associated with the proper utilization of highly unique design, not to mention the benefits of incorporating the wide range of quality improvements that can save money in the long run.
- What are some important lessons you’ve learnt about entrepreneurship?
Proper guidance during the early stages of development might be the difference between building a company capable of reaching its full potential and one that is unable to make any meaningful progress. It’s so important to recognize and prepare for the volatility inherent in these early stages.
- Any tips for achieving success?
I believe in outlining a set of core values and principles that best reflect one’s own definition of success. Achieving success therefore only demands adherence to those core values and principles, which is a far more rewarding approach to achieving an objective level of success as an entrepreneur.