I first met Dan when he attended a networking event I was hosting. He became a regular attendee and within a year was Managing Director of my Networking business. Dan is a great connector and well worth getting in touch with if you have big projects that need selling in Asia.
What’s your story?
Up and down, perseverance is critical. Critical moments and remembering the Law of Attraction what you focus on is what you get. Have been the top performer in a corporate environment, then ran my own company with the usual ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Deep downs during the floods of Thailand in 2011 led to finding gold! Now 3 years later sitting on top of the world and speaking with you Callum!
What excites you most about your industry?
I love tech! Love working with customers to deliver value.
What’s your connection to Asia?
First trip to Asia was 1987! Long way from the East Coast of the United States where I grew up and lived. Moved to Thailand in November 2004 and have not really looked back. Thailand is home now.
Favourite city in Asia for business and why?
For Business I would have to say Singapore. Everything just works!
What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
Best piece of advice is from my mother (who passed away a bit over two years ago): If you don’t ask you will never get!
Who inspires you?
Many people inspire me. My wife Neerapatra (Pat) behind me all the way and reminding me to enjoy life and have fun. My son Howard who put his company together from scratch in Las Vegas and now is doing big things. My father, Seymour (Sy) with his unwavering support through the thick and the thin of things. And finally, the doubters and backstabbers along the way inspire me to do more and give more!
What have you just learnt recently that blew you away?
Actually nothing surprises me any more, I have learned that life is short, time is now so live in the present.
If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
If I could do things over…well hard to say other than would be more careful in who I trusted and backed. One fault (or strength) is my connecting ability and desire to help others, some who maybe I should not have been involved with. Other than that nothing, I am exactly where I am supposed to be based on my past decisions and having a fantastic time with a fantastic wife, new baby on the way and my son is doing great back in Las Vegas!
How do you unwind?
Reading, drink a nice glass of wine, watch Premier League with my gorgeous (and pregnant) wife Pat.
Favourite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
I really loved it when we went to the Maldives. Beautiful place, had our resort on the island and nothing else, beautiful water, beautiful beach and plentiful food and drink! Only regret was we booked one day too little.
Everyone in business should read this book:
More than one for sure! Lately I have been reading Built to Last by Jim Collins, Law of Attraction (The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t Want), and finally everyone should read Become A Key Person of Influence by Daniel Priestley.
Shameless plug for your business:
If you need to increase your sales then come see me! I have led sales teams with over 250M USD in closed sales, personally closed over 34M USD in signed contracts the past 2 years for my primary client. I have the system for you that combines pure sales skills, memory and networking. Keep an eye out for my launch coming up soon! www.danschwartzlive.com
How can people connect with you?
Connect with me by email: [email protected] or
on LinkedIn: http://th.linkedin.com/in/danielbschwartz/
This interview was part of the Callum Connect’s column found on The Asian Entrepreneur: