A fascination with human behaviour and a trying time led Karen Aroney to her venture. Now she helps others get on top of their nutritional needs and helps them to re-energize themselves!

What’s your story?
I was not always a nutritionist, however, I have always been fascinated by human behavior, both the physical and mental. After graduating with a psychology degree, I ‘fell’ into the world of corporate, specifically telecommunications. It allowed me the ability to work with people in a field of technology that was fast paced and enjoyable. I had gained financial success, however, I was unfulfilled. My own weight fluctuated constantly due to excessive work stresses, as did the health of my colleagues. I suffered from hypothyroidism (so was always fatigued), and eventually my focus became more on myself and ways to eat and exercise better, so that I could feel great again.

My early 30’s were a trying time. I was a mum of premature twins, my own mother passed away from an autoimmune disease that she had been battling for four years and I was transitioning careers. After consulting to various clients as a qualified nutritionist, I decided to specialize in nutrition for executives. Not just because I used to be one, but in working with both male and female executives over many years, I have seen the dangerous consequences that gaining high body fat or living with hypertension leads to.  Serious complications such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke, as well as not feeling energized or under-performing at work. These can all be avoided by applying the right strategies. Therefore, I developed the ExecFuel,  an online 6-week nutrition and fitness program so that busy individuals can apply these strategies to their daily lives, at their own pace and feel energized almost immediately.

What excites you most about your industry?
New research in science and the new technology that is constantly being released to support the research. As an ex-corporate from a tech background, it excites me to be able to combine nutrition and technology. I have therefore focused my energy on being part of that market with ExecFuel.

What’s your connection to Asia?
My 4 year-old twins. They were born in Singapore, speak Mandarin fluently and know the national anthem! As an Australian, who has now lived in Asia for 6 years, I am tempted to bring out my patriotic side at times, but Singapore and Asia are home for them and I want them to feel like they are always home.

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The bonus to staying in Asia is that the opportunities are available for programs like ExecFuel, and they are embraced. I beleive Asia likes to see new and upcoming technology, particularly in the area of health and fitness.

Favourite city in Asia for business and why?
At the moment it’s Singapore. This is where I have invested my time and energy with my nutrition consultancy, PureVitality Nutrition Concepts Pte Ltd and with building and launching ExecFuel.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
No matter how often you revisit the past, there is nothing new to see.

Who inspires you?
My friends who have given up their cushy desk jobs to get out there and become entrepreneurs! I regularly meet with these different groups and individuals and always leave feeling energized, supported and ready to get on with it!

What have you just learnt recently that blew you away?
I have recently learned that there is a lot you can outsource that, as an entrepreneur, can actually allow you the work-life balance that you typically would not have. There are various platforms and resources that can really help free up some time that you can spend on yourself to regroup a little.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
I would plan my business goals to be crystal clear and more specific, before starting the business. It would have saved me some much needed time and energy.

How do you unwind?
Exercising and dining out! Two completely different things, but both serve a function for me. Exercising helps me to stay strong, clear my mind and keep me fit and dining out allows me to experience the joy of eating different foods and socializing with the people I love.

Favourite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
Bali. There are 2 places I prefer to stay at, an adults-only boutique hotel in Seminyak when I fly on my own or our friends Villa in Jimbaran when we take the family.

Everyone in business should read this book:
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things From Taking Over Your Life, by Richard Carlson.

Great read and nothing to do with business, finance, entrepreneurship, strategy, planning. Sometimes it’s good to use the other parts of your brain to gain an objective perspective.

Shameless plug for your business:
We are excited to officially present to you ExecFuel, the only 6-week online nutrition and fitness program that empowers busy individuals to feel energized, by achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle! With 24/7 access and the flexibility to start and resume the program when desired, ExecFuel shows you how to be in charge again and regain some control at your own pace.

I am committed to creating a dynamic, vibrant, and effective support community for people like yourself who are busy, but who are also now also fitter, stronger and healthier. With over 6 (easy to follow) modules with 9 videos, and more than 20 videos demonstrating fast, effective exercises, from three specialist Fitness Professionals, this practical step-by-step program to help you meet your health goals
Visit www.execfuel.net for more details on the benefits of the program.

How can people connect with you?
Email [email protected]
LinkedIn https://sg.linkedin.com/in/karenaroney

Twitter handle?

This interview was part of the Callum Connect’s column found on The Asian Entrepreneur:

CallumConnectsCallum Laing invests and buys small businesses in a range of industries around Asia.  He has previously started, built and sold half a dozen businesses and is the founder & owner of Fitness-Buffet a company delivering employee wellness solutions in 12 countries.  He is a Director of, amongst others, Key Person of Influence.  A 40 week training program for business owners and executives.

Take the ‘Key Person of Influence’ scorecard <http://www.keypersonofinfluence.com/scorecard/>

Connect with Callum here:
Get his free ‘Asia Snapshot’ report from www.callumlaing.com

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