After 15 years in the corporate world, Louise Corbett got an opportunity to follow her heart to help and empower women. Exceptional Existence and Women Empowered focuses on the Financial, Physical and Emotional Empowerment of women.

What’s your story?
Marketing and communications and the corporate world was all I knew for the last 15 years. Having lived in Australia, the Middle East (Dubai) and then Asia (Singapore and Hong Kong) with my career, I found that…when I turned 30 and…after a disastrous relationship breakup that…what I thought I wanted to do with my life (be a CEO) had changed. I started to meditate (hello life changer), do Yoga, explore what food I was eating and how that made my body feel (and my mind work). I started developing very simple morning practices that changed! My! Life! As a result, my community called ’Exceptional Existence’ was born as I started to share my ideas because so often it isn’t the situation we find ourselves in life but rather, the way we look at it/the story we tell ourselves about it. As an offshoot to that, my specific passion to help and empower women (still under Exceptional Existence) was growing. And so…Women Empowered (WE) was born under the umbrella of Exceptional Existence. WE focuses on the Financial, Physical and Emotional Empowerment of women.

And then in June of 2019, my role in my organisation was made redundant and…while I was so grateful to my organisation and for my career, I decided this was an incredible opportunity for me to follow my heart! I believe that the worst feeling we can experience is ‘regret’ and so…I knew I had to try and so…I threw myself in to make something more formal of Exceptional Existence and Women Empowered.

What excites you most about your industry?
I meet so many incredible people and can bring real, long-lasting change to their lives. The mantra for Exceptional Existence is that ‘We are all here to do something no one else can’. If you don’t do it, it will never be done. Helping women AND men to realise this…to stop the comparison and start looking inwards is the most rewarding thing I have ever done.

In terms of my work specifically with women, it is one of my greatest thrills to see women come together, connect and support each other. When women gather, powerful things happen. The first Women Empowered Retreat was such a gift for me because of the women I was able to meet and the feedback I received. Women who said that they ‘found a piece of themselves again that they lost years ago’, they ‘feel like they have a new lease on life’, they ‘now see life through a different lens’. This work is what brings me to life.

As Kurek Ashley said, ‘The quality of your life will be determined by the quality of your contribution’. Exceptional Existence and Women Empowered allows for me to really help and contribute to the lives of others which I find to be so incredibly rewarding.

What’s your connection to Asia?
I moved here from Dubai 7 years ago, landing in Singapore for 1.5 years where I ran Communications for a Global Insurance Company. I was then moved to Hong Kong where I took on a regional role looking after Marketing Communications for the region. I absolutely love the region and believe it is a wonderful place for my work.

Favorite city in Asia for business and why?
For what I do? Hong Kong! I have never been to a place (and I have traveled a lot) with so many amazing, inspiring, compassionate women both in and out of the corporate world.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
Dreams are wonderful to have but they shouldn’t stay dreams forever.

Who inspires you?
Women all over the world who use their voice and actions to heal, inspire and bring about change.

What have you just learned recently that blew you away?
We can’t connect with (or love) anyone fully if we do not first love ourselves.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
Never be afraid of rejection.

How do you unwind?
I dance. I meditate. I exercise. I dance again.

Favorite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
Thailand – amazing weather, great food, beautiful hotels, swimming everyday and a massage on every corner.

Everyone in business should read this book:
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

Shameless plug for your business:
I truly believe we are ‘All here to do something no one else can.’ If we don’t do it, it will never be done. When we find this, we find ourselves (and abundance in every way)! Exceptional Existence is all about helping people to find themselves and as a result…live their best life. We do this through coaching, events, retreats and very simple (yes I mean simple) daily practices that change the way you look at the world, the stories that you tell yourself and the limiting beliefs that have been ruling your life for way too long!

Life should be Exceptional.

Exceptional Existence is currently offering the one on one Find Your Voice program and is soon to launch the first ‘Follow Your Heart’ Weekend Retreat for Men and Women.

Women Empowered have just wrapped up the first Women Empowered Sold out retreat in Dance. You can see more about this here. Due to the huge success of this retreat, WE will be launching another in early 2020.

Women Empowered have also just launched a subscription-based platform bringing experts from all over the world to women all over the world as we discuss the topics of ‘Sexuality, Intimacy, and Love’. It can be found here:

And finally, WE will also be launching a ‘Finance and Fitness Retreat for Her’ in Hong Kong in early 2020.

How can people connect with you?
Instragram – @goddessofessentialoils
Facebook –
Facebook –
Email – [email protected]

Twitter handle?


This interview is part of the ‘Callum Connect’ series of more than 500 interviews

Callum Laing is an entrepreneur and investor based in Singapore. He has previously started, built and sold half a dozen businesses and is now a Partner at Unity-Group Private Equity and Co-Founder and CEO of MBH Corporation PLC. He is the author two best selling books ‘Progressive Partnerships’ and ‘Agglomerate’.

Connect with Callum here:
Download free copies of his books here:

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