MAGIC VICTORIA is one of only a few female magicians worldwide. She started doing magic when she was 4 years old. She has 2 academic degrees, worked in Hollywood, is a member of the magic circle and Rotary international. Her magic shows are very special, exclusive and entertaining. She also give speeches and sometimes special coaching. In February 2017 will be her first book on the market (German and English). MAGIC VICTORIA creates a lot of yer magic by herself. She does close-up magic as well as big stage shows including mentalism. Most of the time she is working in Munich but is also active internationally.

In your own words what do you do?

I create magic moments and memories that can last a lifetime. My magic is very emotional and modern, so it touches people on a deeper level and hopefully inspires them to discover more magic in their own lives.

What led you to your current business?

After working in the TV & Film business in Germany and the United States I decided to turn my hobby into a full-time job and become one of only a few professional female magicians. Now it is helpful that I have all the knowledge about storytelling, character development and so on to create impactful shows.

Could you walk us through your process of developing your business?

It is always work in progress. Every single day is different with new challenges. It is not only about being on stage there is a lot behind it. I had to create the marketing plan, find the right business partners as well as special props from all around the world. There also is a lot of concept work involved behind every illusion and the logistics. We also did filming projects for example in Venice.

Did you encounter any particular difficulties in the beginning?

Sure. Most people would see magic as an art. And it is. But it is also show-business, so I had to focus on the business side. I had to make a lot of hard decisions.

What is your long term plan?

I would love to do shows and magic lectures in USA and Canada, as well as Asia. I am working on my own new show that will transport people into another world where everything is possible. I also would like to do a tour about my book, to tell people about how magicians think, find new ideas and turn the impossible possible.

Could you share with us some industry insights?

It is a tough business. You have to be very good and very focused and you need a big network of the right people to get things rolling.

What are some important lessons you’ve learnt about business?

It´s all about people – it’s a people’s business and the money also comes from people not from trees or something else. The right communication is key as well as a team of supportive people, all working together on one big vision.

Any tips for achieving success?

Never give up. For a specific time you have to do things most people won’t do so afterwards you are able to live a life most people can’t. It’s quite simple: If you wan´t to have something you never had, you have to do something you never did.


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