Matthew C Martino born 27 October 1992 is a Zimbabwean Entrepreneur, Film Producer and Author currently residing in UK. Educated at Shenfield High School in Brentwood , Martino has always held a passion for writing – He is known for his pilots manual Lets Fly and the subsequent Lets Fly academy an aviation consultancy and training company. Martino’s other business ventures include MMD-Tech and app design and acquisition firm and he is the founder and benefactor of international charity MMBF Trust which provides grants and sponsorships to actors, filmmakers and young people.
In your own words what do you do today?

I now currently work with my team at Lets Fly Academy to bring more awareness to aviation students and aspiring pilots, we on a day to day basis assist students who want to find out more about flying and getting them through their first couple of hours of flying. I’m also involved in MMBF Trust as I assist in the development of the charity as we try to find projects that will bring more impact.

How did you end up becoming an entrepreneur?

In my early years I tried out acting and became a film producer and at this point I was interested in working for myself and not having to be confined to a 9-5 environment. I knew I was ready to be an entrepreneur as I had that winning attitude and I never gave up easily. After a few failed ventures I’ve managed to come out of the other side and I don’t regret working for myself.

Could you walk us through your process of entrepreneurship?

My process of entrepreneurship involved finding viable ideas and options then getting a team to help me achieving them and doing what needs to be done. I believe as an entrepreneur you shouldn’t copy someone else but instead you should have your flava, your own style and your own journey which is customer to your capabilities and opportunities.

Did you encounter any particular difficulties in the beginning and if so, how did you overcome it?

Yes I encountered a few problems. One of my early years ventures which was selling electrical accessories for mobile phones and laptops called SecondHandsDirect and I used t order materials from Bangladesh and China, my biggest drawback was having the sales force to clear stock I ordered as I used to sell at North Weald Market and on eBay, my difficulties arose as I used to refuse help from others.

What is your long term plan? 

My 5 year plan I don’t think I really have one to be honest. I’m more of a make it up as I go along type of guy. I hope to be more established and achieve more in the next 5years, I also want to work with a lot of start-ups businesses perhaps as a silent partner and be able to empower young entrepreneurs. I also haven’t decided but the next five years could see me move permanently to another country, I’ve been thinking about it for a while so we will see how things go, I’m currently liking life in the UK but perhaps there is something else out there for me.

Any tips of advice for other entrepreneurs?

My tip for entrepreneurs will be to keep going strong with what they’re doing and to get help, get assistance from others to make your workload less and also employ people to work for you who are brighter than you so they can bring in better ideas to better your business or brand.



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