As the co-founder of the Groza Learning Center in Pacific Palisades, California, Scott Groza has relied on more than a decade’s worth of teaching experience to create an enjoyable and rewarding learning environment in which students are consistently challenged in a manner that leads to measurable academic gains.

  1. In your own words what do you do?

I’m responsible for overseeing the wide range of programs we offer at our boutique learning center, including our reading, tutoring, test preparation, and home school programs, just to highlight a few.

  1. What led you to your current business?

 After more than a decade of experience in the world of academia, it became all too apparent that there was something lacking in traditional education and tutoring models. When we founded the Groza Learning Center, we built our programs around the idea that each and every student deserves access to a challenging and enjoyable learning environment that enables them to reach their full academic potential.

 Could you walk us through your process of developing your business?

The process was rather meticulous, particularly since we believed it to be important to really “hit the ground running” once we opened our doors to the public. We reviewed a great deal of research on education and reflected on how to best incorporate certain elements into the learning center, which was especially critical in enabling us to create the ideal academic atmosphere for our students.

  1. Did you encounter any particular difficulties in the beginning?

As a matter of fact, we did encounter some early difficulties. Perhaps the most difficult was coming to the realization that we underestimated our growth rate and had to find a new space to accommodate the growing demand. We were fortunate to find a wonderful new space in existing building, but it certainly would have been more convenient had we made a more accurate estimate in the first place.

  1. What is your long term plan?

Of course, our primary goals and objectives will always revolve around working closely with our students to help them achieve their academic goals, but we also believe that our learning center can serve as a model for other education programs throughout the country.

  1. Could you share with us some industry insights?

Developing effective strategies for meeting the diverse educational needs of students in a larger classroom setting is perhaps the most glaring issue currently facing the industry today. Many students require individualized education in order to succeed, and it is understandably difficult to accomplish this in a classroom setting with 25 to 35 students or more.

  1. What are some important lessons you’ve learnt about entrepreneurship?

It’s not easy. Innovation, imagination, and dedication are required. In the end, the experience derived from these efforts is invaluable.

  1. Any tips for achieving success?

I believe complacency prevents so many people from achieving success, especially since complacency often sets in slowly and subconsciously. Simply being consciously aware of the need to avoid developing a feeling of complacency will help people be more successful in whatever endeavor they choose to pursue.

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