Xania Wong is a busy woman. Now launching her 4th business, JOBDOH, she aims to revolutionise the temporary staffing industry, with just a click!!

What’s your story?
JOBDOH, a smart-hiring and matching platform for temporary workers, was born after winning Google’s Empowering Young Entrepreneurs program in 2014. At that point I was also running a wine business and discovered the holes in the distribution of short term work in the hospitality industry. JOBDOH is my fourth business and was created 6 months after I returned from winemaking in Europe and after quitting my corporate job at a financial institution. I grew up and live in HK but was born in Canada and have lived in Canada, France, Belgium, Singapore, China and Indonesia. I’m a CFA and did my MBA in INSEAD.

What excites you most about your industry?
The staffing industry is in need of a makeover! We believe in transforming the way people work and live. There’s an inefficiency in how people search and find temporary work, and we are determined to solve this.

People’s circumstances change and flexible work allows them to have a better quality of life. For example, to date, we have generated hundreds of jobs for mothers trying to return to the working world after a long break; ethnic minorities seeking better opportunities or elderly people wanting to give back to society.

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What’s your connection to Asia?
I was born in Canada but raised in HK. I have also lived, worked and started businesses in Asia  in China, Indonesia and Singapore. My love for travel also took me to many developing countries in Asia, where I wish to expand our business.

Favourite city in Asia for business and why?
It’s difficult to say as each city is different, and it really depends on the business you conduct. For example, Jakarta is horrible in terms of traffic but locals are friendly and the economic potential is huge; Bangkok citizens are also friendly and have a relative high artistic sense but are quite relaxed, Japanese are systematic but less flexible, and so on. In the end, whether it is a good city really depends on your business scope and whom you meet.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
I have received a lot of advice in my life as I love seeking out opinions from experienced entrepreneurs and other inspirational people. However what I remember the most is usually the negative feedback from people who might or might not understand me or the business. I use them to re-examine my business models and to motivate myself to achieve more. Yes I’m also competitive so I like to prove those negative people wrong.

The book I go back to when I’m feeling discouraged is the Alchemist, with its famous quote, “When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.” This quote lifts me up when I feel discouraged.

Who inspires you?
Elon Musk. Need I explain more?

What have you just learnt recently that blew you away?
Probably some science I learnt while watching the Martian.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
Re: my life, it was probably to study computer engineering. I wanted to, but sadly listened to my uncle who encouraged me against it. Re: my company, put in a proper company governance structure earlier on.

How do you unwind?
I love sports and theatre. I try to get out and play sport or catch a play every so often. However it’s been tough given my schedule. So the quicker way to unwind is to sleep.

Favourite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
Hmm.. I suppose Singapore for relaxation since I have lived there, and it’s a very easy place to travel. However there are quite a few destinations desired depending on my mood –  Japan for overall inspiration, Myanmar for adventures and Thailand for exploration.

Everyone in business should read this book:
The Alchemist

Shameless plug for your business:
Hire short-term, temporary or last minute quality workers at your finger tip!

JOBDOH app relieves your hiring headache with its smart-hiring booking platform for quality temporary workers. All JOBDOH’ers have been verified and analyzed in advance to ensure legitimacy and compatibility. Our record from job postings to arrival on premise is under 1.5 hours.

Download JOBDOH app today and start hiring!

JOBDOH platform has won several awards and seats in top incubation around the world, including HK government’s Cyberport Creative Micro Fund, HK Cyberport’s incubation program, Europe’s Seedcamp and Google’s “Empowering Young Entrepreneurs” Program. For more details, visit our FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/JOBDOH/1518056161749852.

How can people connect with you?
[email protected]

Twitter handle?

This interview was part of the Callum Connect’s column found on The Asian Entrepreneur:


Callum Laing invests and buys small businesses in a range of industries around Asia.  He has previously started, built and sold half a dozen businesses and is the founder & owner of Fitness-Buffet a company delivering employee wellness solutions in 12 countries.  He is a Director of, amongst others, Key Person of Influence.  A 40 week training program for business owners and executives.

Take the ‘Key Person of Influence’ scorecard <http://www.keypersonofinfluence.com/scorecard/>

Connect with Callum here:
Get his free ‘Asia Snapshot’ report from www.callumlaing.com

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