Joseph Germani is the famous internet celebrity that Malaysians across the country have come to adore and recognize, primarily through Youtube videos that he passionately produces and stars in. Despite having rose to prominence in the entertainment scene and achieving stardom, very few people know that Joseph is a self-made man who came from humble beginnings.

Originally, a student who was pursuing his studies in Interior Design, Joseph’s life began to take an unexpected turn when he began to experiment with YouTube. With nothing else but a small room, an adequate camera and a voice that wants to be heard, Joseph began making and posting videos on YouTube in 2011. His commitment, quick wit, incredible sense of humour and knack for video production was quickly recognized by many who had seen his work online. Within a span of a few short years, Joseph quickly rose to forefront of the YouTube scene in Malaysia. Widely celebrated today, Joseph continues to make videos, a passion that had now led to a successful full time profession.

The Asian Entrepreneur interviews Joseph today, who shares a few words about his journey, his thoughts on the YouTube scene in Malaysia.

In your own words what do you do, Joseph?
I would say I post videos on YouTube with contents based on my personality. With those, I say what I feel is right or wrong. Basically, my point of views in different situations.

How did it all start for you?
I wanted to join a “Apprentice” inspired reality web series, so I sent in a 1 minute video telling why I deserve to join the show. Yeah, they didn’t pick me and that spiralled into this.

Could you walk us through the process of how you got into the Youtube scene?
Well let’s see. I mean, as for me, it wasn’t something as highlighted in my life in the beginning. It was fun being recognised on the streets for some videos I made, but I didn’t really take it as a serious thing, until I have decided on pursuing YouTube.

Generally, the YouTube scene was interesting at first, because I tend to say things that people don’t usually dare to voice out, and of course when that happens, the party that felt threatened, starts typing out comments to defend their point of view, which was fine! It’s fun, I like healthy arguments. Proves that there’s different people in the world.

What would you say are the major perks of being in the scene?
I get to meet so many idols, and the awesome thing is, they knew who I was and what I do online. So, that’s really awesome.

Did you find anything particularly difficult initially and how did you overcome it?
For me, the biggest challenge was going through things that an entrepreneur must go through. I mean, I studied interior design, so I have limited knowledge on what to do, to sustain a company or even especially dealing with YouTube and the Advertising and Marketing scene in Malaysia. But through trial and error, and a few books, I sort of got the hang of how things are done; so really putting those things into practice, is what got me here now.

How do you find the Youtube industry in Malaysia?
So far, so good, I mean, I think the beauty of it, is that you can find so many different type of things on YouTube, and everyone has different taste. All I see is the future of YouTube in Malaysia is going to be bright, if the right people with the right attitude comes into the community.

Do you think there are major differences in the approach to entertainment in Malaysia as compared to the West?
There certainly is, I think Malaysia is still a blue ocean when it comes to entertainment, there’s so many sectors unfilled, unexplored. So I hope this generation would take control, and gear our entertainment industry to a higher entertainment level.

What can we expect from Joseph Germani in the next few years?
I think, hopefully I will initiate what I have in plan. Trust me, it might change the Malaysian entertainment industry in a exciting way. But the pyramids aren’t built in a day, so let’s hope that I could do everything I can do make that happen!

What are some personal principles or personal values that guide you and your career?
Believe in yourself, don’t get shot down; in fact, dream big.

What is your definition of success?
The moment when you finish something, you take up a cup of tea, staring at what you’ve done, and feeling good about it.

What is the secret to good entertainment?
I can’t tell you yet. It would be spoiling it for everyone! It’s better to know less, and feel entertained!

In your opinion, what are the key to success?
Discipline, and good health. Both, I am trying to achieve. Getting more work done, and more sleep!



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