What’s your story?
I’m the chemistry graduate who found a fintech startup called “StockRadars”. So, I do believe that if you want it enough, you can find the way to get it done. For StockRadars we aim to simplify the stock investment for the rest of us. Stock investment shouldn’t be treated as being in the plane cockpit but should be like riding a bicycle. So, I do believe in simplicity, and it’s the ultimate sophistication like DaVinci said.

What excites you most about your industry?
Financial industry is very sexy, because the technology never changes that much. For the Fintech startup it is always very challenging to work with all the rules  and regulations. But if anyone is able to disrupt it, it’s gonna be huge.

What’s your connection to Asia?
I’m born and raised in Bangkok, one very asian based culture with the blended mixture of Thai and Chinese. The way we do business is still getting a lot of influence from ancestor’s beliefs about ways of doing business. Thai culture is a bit more open and easy going. So, I would say that our business style would be more casual.


Favourite city in Asia for business and why?
Singapore would be one of the best opportunities to grow a business. With the Westernised system blended with the asian culture. It leads to a lot of opportunity especially from the ecosystem that everyone helps to create.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
I used to believe that one man needs to make choice to broaden your knowledge or become a specialist. I asked my ex-boss and he said that you don’t really need to pick one, you should be a specialist in your field, but you can keep learning.

Who inspires you?
John Lennon, is the one that I admire. He believed in himself, believed in people and also did his best to do things he believed in.

What have you just learnt recently that blew you away?
I learned how to remove my mental block that there’s a norm for things. Most of the time, when we have bias it leads to bad decision. I‘ve learned that people always use emotion when making a decision.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
I love what I’ve done, and I don’t want to change anything. It’s why I became who I am ^^

How do you unwind?
Travel around. Different environment make different ways of belief.  I love to speak with people, learn from them in something that I never expected. One of my best experience is to ride a train and bus from Beijing to Bangkok. 6,000 Kms without knowing any Chinese at that time. Kinda best experience for me when I step out of my comfort zone.

Favourite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
Guangzhou, it seems everything comes from here. And of course, very good food.

Everyone in business should read this book:
Free, by Chris Anderson. I do believe in Free, the more you give the more you get.

Shameless plug for your business:
Investing made simple:  http://www.stockradars.net/

How can people connect with you?
Website: www.stockradars.co
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @maxxam
LINE ID: HappyDreamer

This interview was part of the Callum Connect’s column found on The Asian Entrepreneur:


Callum Laing has started, built, bought and sold half a dozen businesses in a range of industries across two continents. He is the owner of Fitness-Buffet a company delivering employee wellness solutions in 11 countries and he is also the CEO of Entrevo Asia, a company that runs 40 week Growth Accelerator programs.

Take the ‘Key Person of Influence’ scorecard <http://www.keypersonofinfluence.com/scorecard/>

Connect with Callum here:
Get his free ‘Asia Snapshot’ report from www.callumlaing.com


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