This article was originally published here: Terence Clarke – Founder of CastleCourt, DailyCoach and GrowthHub

Terence Clarke

Terence Clarke

Terence Clarke believes that everyone has the answers to life’s questions and, as a coach, it is for him to help them find them.

What’s your story?

Born in Ireland, I grew up in England and I’ve lived and studied in Mainland China for almost 20 years.

What excites you most about your industry?

The rapid growth and uptake of coaching really excite me, as a coach and as someone who has been coached I understand how powerful it can be for people, no matter what stage of their careers they are at.

Terence workshop

What drives you in business to push beyond what other people consider normal?

I really want to help people through coaching and training and I produce a lot of free content for my followers with no upsell if they engage my services they engage them, if they don’t, well then they don’t.

What have been the most useful skills you have learnt and applied in your journey?

How to apply positive psychology to work and life, how to remain resilient through tough times, and the last 3 years here in China certainly have been a huge opportunity for personal growth.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?

Respond, don’t react, it’s really served me well many times in many difficult situations.

Who inspires you?

My wife, people who just go out and do and create things, and anyone that genuinely wants to help and give something back.

What have you learnt recently that blew you away?

How tough we really are as people, this is around how extreme life has been for us in China for the past 3 years, we’ve come out the other side and people really came together to support each other.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?

Nothing, I do not live with regret, every decision made was based on the best information available at that time.

How do you unwind?

The gym, reading, listening to music and having a good old chat with mates.

What is a major mindset change, belief shift or ‘ah ha’ moment that you’ve experienced in relation to your business?

People have the answers themselves and they often need an experienced coach to help get them to the answers.

Everyone in business should read this book:

Start with Why – Simon Sinek

Terence workshop

Shameless plug for your business:

My experience helps me to quickly understand clients’ career context, co-create your development goals and support you to experiment and define your way towards achieving your professional potential. My background as a leader and business owner in multiple industries and coaching practices gives me a unique perspective as a coach, grounding me in both evidence-based practice and commercial practicalities. You’ll find I’m straightforward, realistic and a strong enabler of your professional development.

My philosophy is

In life, do nothing by half.

How can people connect with you?

Wechat (China): coachterryc or through my website

Social Media Links?
Instagram: coachterryc
Wechat: coachterryc

This interview is part of the CallumConnects series.

Terence Clarke – Founder of CastleCourt, DailyCoach and GrowthHub
The EnterpriseZone Writing Team

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