Uma is an award-winning personal & business coach specialised in transformational coaching. She helps her clients to overcome challenges and achieve a holistic lifestyle.

What’s your story?
iBeyondBliss Personal & Corporate Wellness Wellness was born out of my self-need for a personalised and accessible natural way to balance my emotions, reduce stress, boost happiness and increase peak performance. Having navigated through several difficult life transitions myself, I know the pain points of those undergoing emotional and mental turbulence. I recognised the dramatically growing stress levels and unhappiness in the community and the need for a unique mental & emotional wellness program which is easy and accessible. I help people to cope with life transitions, instigate behavioural change, break limiting beliefs, manage anger, anxiety, stress and achieve a holistic lifestyle.

What excites you most about your industry?
What inspires and motivates me about Mental Wellness and Coaching is the opportunity to be a part of my client’s positive transformation. I savour and truly cherish every moment of coaching and mentoring my clients as I guide them through their ‘Oh No’ moments and celebrate their ‘Aa Ha’ moments. I help my clients identify what truly makes them happy and empower them to explore infinite possibilities. By serving and uplifting others, I am thriving in my career and life as opposed to striving. “WHY” I am doing what I am doing is, because it allows me to live in alignment with the purpose of my life.

What’s your connection to Asia?
I have a deep-rooted emotional bond with Asia. It is my birthplace, connection to my family and rich intellectual life. Born in Sri Lanka and brought up in India, I am blessed to have experienced the rich fine arts, literature, architecture, spirituality, meditation, yoga, Ayurveda, music, dance and food from both India and Sri Lanka. The quest to discover the greater and grander version of myself brought me to Australia which is arguably one of the world’s most culturally diverse countries. The inspiration for iBeyondBliss was fundamentally drawn from the ancient eastern practices and traditions backed by western modern science.

Favourite city in Asia for business and why?
Hong Kong is my favourite. It is regarded as Asia’s world city and offers a cosmopolitan environment, eclectic lifestyle, exotic food, fashion to arts, culture, technology and much more. It is a leading global financial centre, has a free trade economy, simple tax system, least corruption and has an ideal location with proximity to China. I have both individual and corporate clients from Hong Kong and I am currently in the process of expanding iBeyondBliss offering Holistic Wellness Retreats.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
Being a high achiever, I hold high personal and professional standards and stretch for excellence. It was difficult for me to keep up to the demand for perfection from myself. In my pursuit for perfection, I often found self-sabotaging my progress. When discussing this with Sayem Hossain Founder and Mentor at HotCubator, (which supported iBeyondBliss since ideation to launch) he told me “Uma, progress is better than perfection” and that I need to be careful not to let perfection become procrastination. Taking his advice, I noticed a tremendous momentum and progress in my business. I am an award winner Entrepreneur and I thank Sayem for his great advice!

Who inspires you?
I am grateful to the legendary mentors who have inspired, influenced and empowered me with their knowledge and wisdom. The list of those who have inspired me is endless and a few to mention are Dalai Lama, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Iyanla Vanzant, & Sharon Pearson. I also draw inspiration from anyone who has the courage to believe in themselves and those who wants to make a difference in this world.

What have you just learnt recently that blew you away?
I am deeply passionate about the possibility of executing the power of the mind over matter to achieve powerful transformation. The power of positive thinking, visualisation and manifestation, it is mind-blowing. By relentlessly practising meditation and positive thinking, I was able to recalibrate my internal compass. Today I know the strategy to create my own reality and destiny. I believe I am the architect of my abundant and prosperous life. This self-awakening and enlightenment was life changing for me and I am moving towards my goal of self-mastery and self-actualisation.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
Knowing what I know today through my life experience, knowledge, expertise, training and working relentlessly on myself what I could have done differently is embracing a mindfulness-based holistic lifestyle. Life just would have been much easier, and I simply could have achieved more because I would have had higher physical, emotional and intellectual energy. Having said that, I am appreciative and grateful to my past because life is all about learning, growing and evolving and there is always scope for improvement. I know what I know now because of what I did not know then. In that regards, all is always well in my world.

How do you unwind?
To unwind I get unplugged from my devices, have a tech-free time and do a relaxation meditation. I also love to curl up with a good book, get cosy with a nice movie or spend time in nature by taking a nice stroll in a park which I feel is therapeutic.

Favourite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
Thailand is my relaxation destination. It is a paradise which offers delicious cuisine, vibrant culture, ultramodern cityscape, magnificent palaces and temples, pristine beaches, shoppers delight, wellness retreats and meditation centres. Being a foodie and shopaholic, the local street food and night markets are my favourite. The highlight of Thailand is their friendly and fun-loving people. Their genuine hospitality and warm Thai smile are so welcoming. I envisage collaborating with resorts in Thailand to conduct Holistic Wellness Retreats.

Everyone in business should read this book:
Do Disrupt – Change the status quo or become it by Mark Shayler is a book that I would recommend to everyone in business. This book is about disruption and doing things differently. I found it practical, inspiring and encouraging, When I decided to launch my social enterprise iBeyondBliss it was not about “Playing Safe and Small” but “Thinking big. Being innovative. Making a difference”. The book is packed with aphorisms like, “it’s not sufficient to do things better, we need to better things”. I recommend this book to anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion to change the world and make their big idea a reality. Well worth a read.

Shameless plug for your business:
Life is a roller-coaster ride. Don’t let life happen to you, make life happen for you. Think about this……What is missing in your life right now? What is your biggest problem right now? I can help you solve your problem. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them – Albert Einstein. I will challenge you to think beyond your limits. Your answers are within you and I will help you to unravel them. If you are committed to working on yourself, I am committed to working with you. Let’s work together to re-engineer your life.

I am Uma Panch an award-winning Transformational Life & Business Coach. I look forward to an opportunity to work with you and help you live your legendary authentic self.

How can people connect with you?
Please connect with me through E: [email protected] | W: | F: | I:

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This interview is part of the ‘Callum Connect’ series of more than 500 interviews

Callum Laing is an entrepreneur and investor based in Singapore. He has previously started,
built and sold half a dozen businesses and is now a Partner at Unity-Group Private Equity and Co-Founder of The Marketing Group PLC. He is the author two best selling books ‘Progressive Partnerships’ and ‘Agglomerate’.

Connect with Callum here:
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