The Base of the Pyramid (BoP) market presents a large but challenging opportunity to scale and transform lives. For the past decade, there has been substantial growth in BoP ventures, provision of quality services to the poor, as well as investor interest in the market. However, there is also a growing recognition of limitations that can affect venture sustainability, scalability and success.

The inaugural BoP World Convention, to be held from 28 to 30 August 2014 at ITE Central College, Singapore, is a unique forum that encourages key stakeholders from multiple sectors and industries to share knowledge, engage with issues and explore partnerships to bring sustainable and affordable solutions that could impact millions of lives.

The convention will provide an action-oriented platform that features high-level discussions between the public and private sectors.  In conjunction, an expo will be held to offer corporate participants a platform to provide holistic solutions, products and services for the bottom of the pyramid.

Details of the event are as follows:



Juliet Ler/ Lauren Ho
Tel: +65 6352 8921
Fax: +65 6352 1392
Email: [email protected] [email protected]

MP Singapore Pte Ltd
Luke Koh/ Esther Chin
Tel: +65 6393 0251 / 6393 0232
Fax: +65 6292 7577
Email: [email protected][email protected]


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