Join the hidden treasure of Asia to unleash your PowerOfInvisible in 2016. Here are 9 reasons, why you should come over, in Bali.

‘Know that if you can master yourself you should have little problem mastering the world and everything in it‘ – the only question is do you know how to do it?

In 2016 don’t change one thing. Change Everything!

I have had the opportunity to work with some of the most Extraordinary people in the world and I have seen a continuous pattern in the way they set goals.

They don’t seek to eliminate a bad habit or two but take a completely holistic approach to optimizing their overall performance as a human being. This is the one true type of change that can most greatly benefit ALL aspects of your life – whether it’s your health, your wealth or your relationships.

That’s why I found it so important to give you a sneak preview of Bali’s ultimate personal growth program – Extraordinary U.

It’s the culmination of everything I’ve learned about unleashing all of your human potential over the past year, all in one place. This is the program you need to achieve anything and everything you could ever want in 2016.

It is about good health, functioning at the top of your game, having great relationships, enjoying peace and bliss and attracting great opportunities into your life. When people are healthy; when they are thinking and acting in their most alert state; they are able to see and grasp opportunities and capitalise on them. They fulfil their potential which includes making more money or achieving greater wealth!

When all these things are taken care of, a person will naturally prosper, do well in life and make money.

Here is a story:

‘In 1969, a mostly unknown 28-year old actor and martial artist named Bruce Lee wrote a letter to himself to commit a path for his future. He put ideas on paper and his heart’s desire out into the world. He got them back!’

One of Bruce Lee’s goals was to be the highest paid Oriental star in the United States. And he made it! Oh, so simple! It seems so but behind his determination, there was something more…he learned how to use his internal (invisible) power and applied techniques on how best to harness it.

This is one of a million stories that are shared and talked about. Everything seems simple when you read about it. Everywhere, almost everyone talks about ‘change’. Everyone shares great quotes; everyone tells you what is good; everyone talks about the…

  • rules
  • tips
  • lists
  • methods

yet rarely do they talk about HOW to make it… because ‘THE HOW’ is the most difficult part to activating change.

“If You’re Not Happy, Stop Complaining And Make A Change” says an article in the Entrepreneur: “Excuses are made to justify remaining miserable. If you are serious about truly being happy you need to push all self-doubt out of your mind and commit to developing a plan to become happy. Determine what your ultimate end goal is and reverse engineer the steps you will need to take to reach it”. 

Nice writings I can say, huge traffic and people following, I just have a few points to make on it…the article doesn’t actually teach you HOW to do this. It is so easy to write and say, yet difficult to make it happen. Lately, most of us figured out that change is the key for many things however from thinking of change to when the real change happens you have to find out how to make it a reality…and that is what is not talked about. Am I right? Leave your comments below. How many of you read this and how many of you see your life really changing after reading this?

From the same article: “When it comes down to it we are all responsible for our own happiness. The only way you will be happy is by changing your attitude and understanding that you are in full control, and fully capable of changing your situation”. I was laughing reading this. I don’t know if the author is doing it in their own life or just writing to gain more traffic, but again the difference is made by ‘HOW’.

Another ’empower’  article talks about how to Believe in yourself:

Keep it simple and remember that success is not an entitlement. If you really want to excel, you have to get out there and earn it every day for the rest of your life”. Oh sure! Again, it’s very easy to say, yet hard to do. What is not mentioned here is that not many of us have developed this power to a high level. We all have it within us but some are born with it to a higher level, others to a lower level. The good for those with low confidence in themselves and their own thoughts and abilities can be changed…but the change is made with the ‘HOW’.

These are two examples only and you can read about it almost everywhere. What is certain is that if you are miserable and you would rather be anywhere doing anything other than what you are currently doing, yet what you are doing is safe, it’s time for a change. Don’t wait…if you’re not sure, trust your gut instinct. That’s why I created this adventure.

Regret is the most tragic thing in life. The best way to avoid it is to know yourself, face your fear and follow your heart.

We were all built with a huge internal power, and this is admitted by science and life itself. It is proven every day yet only a few of us are aware of it and know how to use it. It is those who know that are making the real changes and in the end, making a difference.

Another issue rising here is that the ones who do know do not share it openly with others. Good things are not on the market. To learn how to control your mind and make it work for you means that nothing can hold you back anymore…you will bring important benefits into your life at the moment you begin to handle and control your own mind. That’s the power when people achieve their desires and become ‘the greatest version of themselves’. And this is what you’ll learn for 10 days in Bali.

Ulun Danu Temple - Bali
Ulun Danu Temple – Bali
Bali - Indonesia
Bali – Indonesia
Mountains and rice fields in Bali
Mountains and rice fields in Bali

After having spent one year in Asia I have learned many things and techniques that have changed my life tremendously. And when a friend of mind became sick with cancer and asked me where to go to recover from his difficult treatment I came up with the Bali project.  It was at that moment that I decided to share it. I want to share all the benefits I have gained over the past year, with a small group of 12 people who are ready and willing to make a change in their lives.


2015 was difficult for most of us. 2016 won’t be an easy year again for many of us.

Entrepreneurial Life…most of the time it is hard, or even very hard. It is a roller-coaster ride and from time to time you need to disconnect, take a step back and return to your true self. To recalibrate your mind. Everything begins from, and with, your way of thinking.

Here are some of the reasons, with explanations, about why you should join me.

  1. The Place – Bali

Besides the scenery, its beauty and its well-known name, Bali is a spiritual place known also as ‘The Gods Island’. Bali restore lives. Elizabeth Gilbert recovered her life there and if you did not read ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ (her book) I would recommend you doing so.

Bali is known for its energy healing, but of course this is not a popular discussion.

This is a journey. And it’s tailor-made and private. We focus on privacy, not on hotels. To travel with wide open eyes and feel – that reality does matter.

  1. The Number of People – 12

Quality over quantity is most important. The ideal group size. This number of travellers will let you experience your own exploration – and share emotions with like-minded people. Only in this way can the Masters focus on every person individually.

  1. The Masters

Always my life philosophy is this:  whatever you do, whatever you want to learn, go for the best in that field. And this is not even enough…go for the best and the ones who are compatible with you. Even if they are the best, if you don’t match and harmonise with their teaching things will become more difficult.

The second lesson I have learned is to try things by myself…what is good for me might not be good for you and vice versa. That’s why I’ve spent a year in Asia, trying things by myself and getting positive results out of the experience. I really wanted to see how things were for me, excluding the good and positive comments about it, therefore every person will have a special program adapted to their individual needs.

  1. The Journey to E.X.H.A.L.E (ExoticXanadaHealAnticipateLenticExciting)-the Main Part of the 10 Days

An expedition to remote paradise islands awaits you. Most people feel content with a small piece of Bali while missing the major part…I want to show you more. Step outside of your comfort zone with us.

  1. What Is Included?

You come for pampering, comfort and healing. You will leave your stress behind. You will leave your worries behind. All below.

  1. Activities – This Trip is a Mix of Four Important Ingredients:  Physical Activities; Healing; Empowerment and Engagement with a Wild Side

You will get to experience 12 different kinds of activities from scuba diving, kite surfing, sea sights tours, parties, yoga, meditation, meditation accessing your sub-conscious, techniques that will empower your life and an island expedition.

  1. Your Safety is Our Priority

Medical insurance and check-ups are verified upon arrival.

  1. The Price – You Pay For…

You get what you pay for. If USD 6,950 is something that holds you back and you consider it too expensive, let’s break it down so you can see what is included. As I have said, this is tailor-made, private! It is luxurious and most importantly it is unique.

What you get:

  • Round trip tickets and airport transfers
  • Luxury accommodation
  • 3 meals per day personalised to your individual needs with veggie/fruits in between
  • 3 trips in and around the island
  • Therapy sessions of:  massage, yoga, meditation, 3 private consultations with each Master
  • Special dinner
  • …and many more
  1. What Else Should You Know?

My greatest desire is to make you enjoy yourself so much and to leave in tears at the end of the experience. Then to come back with us to Bhutan – the next stop in May; then to Palawan in the Philippines.

“The more knowledge you gain, the better chance you have at beating the odds in the game of life”.

It’s a question of who knows more than who and in business as well as in life, the more ‘informed’ you are the better your chances of winning!

There is a difference between information and knowledge. We need to make sure we are getting access to the right information and not being made vulnerable to a random fascination, with obscure information (at best) that is provided. Once again we should be guided by our inner voice. This provides us with the true messages we need to hear and helps us convert random pieces of information into wisdom.

Don’t forget…knowledge can change fate!

Yoga in Bali
Yoga in Bali
Off the Beaten Path
Off the Beaten Path

Start by educating yourself and learning how to do it. If you want to find meaning in your life start by seeking new knowledge.

Knowledge about yourself:

  • your abilities
  • your talent
  • your mind
  • your work
  • your profession
  • your industry
  • your competitors
  • the economy
  • the market

…the list is endless.

“This Retreat in Bali is the first ticket to freedom. It has helped me transform my life. Through this knowledge my life has become meaningful as I help others transform their lives. Embrace these reasons and you will be well on your way to an empire of your own making”.

Yoga sesion in Bali
Yoga session in Bali
yoga sesion
yoga sesion

Something extraordinary is happening in the world and most people haven’t noticed.

Therefore, I dare to say more about what Bali will bring you…

You will begin to understand how life operates and what this energy is that people talk so much about. What quantum physics is and how thoughts can be materialised into things.  How to create your sense of reality; what coincidence and synchronicity is and why meditation works. How it is possible to cure some ailments using nothing but bare hands and how alternative therapies are not always approved of by regular medical practitioners yet can, and do work sometimes. Do not forget that many companies are now providing meditation to their employees. Even some schools are teaching their pupils how to meditate. Think about it.

Everything is based on signs and patterns and intuition. When you discover how all this works and how to follow it, your life will become easier. I want you to discover things that you never thought about and will help you achieve your greatest desires. Behind all that, this is the best gift I can give you!

Learn love from the inside-out!

Start 2016 in a different way and let your body get into the rhythm of your own life.

This experience is beyond the ordinary and will allow you to feel that it is indeed possible to change your old paradigm and instead choose happiness in a new way every day. Physicist Max Planck said “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change“. This is what our Retreat offers you.

You will change your ordinary habits and all of a sudden see yourself, your potential and your life in a whole new way. When on Retreat, we can make that quantum leap in changing how we see the world from the inside out. The changes we experience and how we think will go with us way beyond the days of the Retreat. Love yourself, love your day and love your life.

Experiencing the unknown is an accelerated way to grow and learn.

On a Retreat it feels a lot more natural to embrace change, learn how to breathe deeply and be present in the moment.

Sometimes we have to be far from home to give ourselves permission to truly relax. Being on a Retreat allows you to listen to your body, rest when you need to and be free from stress.

The best way to break a bad habit is to replace it with a new healthy one. When you get out of your regular routine for a week you can replace unhealthy habits with conscious new behaviours that support you in being your best self.

Undeniably, you will meet individuals with similar interests. Even if you go alone (which I did my first time), you will have the chance to make friends with people from around the world who you may then know for the rest of your life.

Thoreau said: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined”.  While this quote might be on your refrigerator, chances are you make excuses about why you can’t YET! Why NOW isn’t the best time!

Often the excuses are related to money, time or current circumstances. But guess what, you deserve a break. You work hard for a reason and you can always find logical reasons why you should or should not do something. The key to happiness is deciding what you really want and making it happen. No excuses and no reasons ‘why not’.

You deserve to invest in yourself. That’s right! I’d love for you to join me for my private, tailor-made trip for 10 nights; a Retreat in one of the most beautiful destinations in the world – Bali, Indonesia.

This Retreat is specifically designed to help you experience bliss and all of the 9 delightful benefits listed above.

We would love to have you join us. What to know more?

Get in contact with me today, here through ‘comments’, by Skype, email or by phone:

e-mail: [email protected]; mobile: +65 8555 4852; Skype: andreea.bondoc

Meantime enjoy the beauty you can experience in Bali.

The Sanctuary Bali
The Sanctuary – Bali
The Sanctuary Bali
The Sanctuary – Bali
The Sanctuary - Bali
The Sanctuary – Bali
The Sanctuary - Bali
The Sanctuary – Bali
The Sanctuary - Bali
The Sanctuary – Bali
The Sanctuary - Bali
The Sanctuary – Bali
The Sanctuary - Bali
The Sanctuary – Bali
The Sanctuary - Bali
The Sanctuary – Bali
The Sanctuary - Bali
The Sanctuary – Bali


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