Starting up, is against the odds. The natural thing for a startup, is to die. Nature, contrary to populary belief, doesn’t by default nurture, but is aggressive and kills. If you want an instrospective view, look at yourself. Every single moment and with every breathe that we take, our cells are getting older, our bodies oxidising and heading towards the eventual death. That is the only certain thing – that we will all die. As if that overarching theme in life wasn’t enough, entrepreneurs take it upon themselves to put themselves in a fastlane where death, failure, irrationality, and emotions run high and wild.

It’s hence rather sad when we see fellow entrepreneurs criticize others. Who cares if that entrepreneur decides to track and flaunt users, rather than customers as a metric. Who cares if funding or getting a new office is what they want to flaunt?

We seriously need to change the mindset that we aren’t victims to that story of crabs in a basket, that keep pulling each other down. Once there is even a wee bit of success that starts to surface, there is envy, jealousy and pulling down, that starts to show up. A startup getting clients, hiring great talent, getting funded, making an exit, getting votes on PH – its starting to get harder and harder to recognize what would trigger off the impulse to break things down, to tear apart, to spread lies, become part of rumor mill and contribute to the destructive cycle.

Building an ecosystem means, we live in an environment where we live among mirrors. We reflect ourselves all around. Folks who are like us, trying against all odds to make it. Let them live. Support them, lend a shoulder, extend your support – but if thats not your nature, walk away. Hold your words. Focus on what your dreams are. For all you know, you just might push that entrepreneur off that cliff, and that’s not something you can live with – rather not.



The original article can be found here

Sam Altman has written a similar post on Founder Depression. It’s quite real.


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