Corporate360 was presented with Stevie® Award in the MARKETING PRODUCT – NEW CATEGORY in the ninth annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service last night.



Corporate360’s marketing data software ProspectR has been awarded best in the New Product Category this year for Marketing Solutions. ProspectR is an all-in-one marketing data suite for B2B Marketing and Outbound Campaigns. Powered by BigData and Data Science, ProspectR is a comprehensive marketing data cloud for businesses to identify sales leads, discover best fit target audience, design contextual messaging and implement account based marketing campaigns.

The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service are the world’s top sales awards, business development awards, contact center awards, and customer service awards.  The Stevie Awards organizes several of the world’s leading business awards shows including the prestigious American Business Awards and International Business Awards. 

The awards were presented to Corporate360 during a gala banquet on Friday, February 27 at the Bellagio in Las Vegas.  More than 500 executives from the U.S.A. and several other nations attended. “It’s an honor to be recognized among world leaders such as Cisco, IBM, Adobe, Box, FedEx, DHL, Mariott etc in an international product award” commented Varun Chandran, CEO & Founder of Corporate360.

More than 1,900 nominations from organizations of all sizes across industries were evaluated in this year’s competition.  Finalists were determined by the average scores of 139 professionals worldwide, acting as preliminary judges. Entries were considered in 50 categories for sales and business development achievements; and categories to recognize new products and solution providers. 

More than 100 members of several specialized judging committees determined Stevie Award placements from among the Finalists during final judging earlier this month.

Award Edited


“The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service continues to be a leading international awards programs to recognize accomplishments of companies worldwide. We are thrilled to receive this prestigious award and be recognized among such a high caliber of international companies”, said Varun. I am honored to represent Corporate360 team and further assist our customer’s journey to adopt modern marketing such as Account based marketing & Contextual campaigns. C360’s mission is to power our client success by providing data driven marketing insights through a world-class Data-as-a-Service cloud and an exceptional team of data scientists. I am passionate about helping each of our clients realize their sales goals! “We congratulate all of this year’s award winners.”


About Corporate360

Corporate360 offers a best-in-class Marketing Data Platform delivering sales leads and best-fit target audience intelligence for B2B sales and marketers from 25 industries. The company offers ProspectR, a comprehensive data platform, built on Cloud, BigData, Mobility, Analytics & Social stack, featuring 360-degree view of prospect insights. Leveraging modern marketing methods such as machine learning, & data science combined with human intelligence, the Data-as-a-Service cloud platform delivers accurate marketing campaign data & competitive intelligence with real-time data accuracy maintenance support through low cost subscription plans. Companies such as HP, Dell, Oracle, VMware & CSC usesProspectR platform for targeted campaigns, maintain CRM data accuracy, improve lead scoring, strengthen predictive analytics, accelerate pipeline creation & win new deals.
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