Gavin Por Joined His Family Business, Grand Build Interior, Specialising In Interior Fit-Out Work.

What’s your story?
I am a Healer, the INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perception) personality type. I have a strong interest in performing arts and studied fine arts & 3D design in school. I loved and excelled in photorealistic portraits until my mentor, an abstract artist, told me that I should just take a photograph if I wanted to create an exact likeness of the subject. These simple but powerful words not only changed my perception of art but also began to shape my philosophy of life. When I was very young, I had imagined life as a professional singer but understood that I cannot be in the public eye and still have my privacy. So after years of working part-time for my father’s company, Grand Build Interior, I decided to join him full time, to learn and master the art of the deal.

What excites you most about your industry?
We are builders, specialising in Interior fit-out works. As long as there exists a need to improve the quality of human lives, old spaces will be replaced by new spaces with better facilities, aesthetics, and conditions. We are very excited by digitalization and breakthrough technologies in the building and construction industry. We are moving forward with innovative ways of how businesses and clients connect and interact, with the integration of green and sustainable elements.

What is your connection to Asia?
I am of Asian descent, born and raised in Singapore.

Favourite city in Asia for business and why?
We have invested in many parts of the world and find Singapore to be the best place to start a business. There are always rules and regulations that are not as favorable to foreign SMEs and learning about another country’s culture and business practices can be very tricky.  

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? 
“You win some and you lose some”. We need to make sacrifices in life. People end up losing everything while trying to have everything. 

Who inspires you? 
My parents have the greatest influence on my life. My father is a self-made man. He started with no financial background and limited education opportunities, yet managed to build and own a multi-million dollar company with his will and hard work. My mother demonstrated to me love, courage, and perseverance in the hardest of times. My parents’ unconditional love has become the anchor in my life. They inspire me to be a son and man that they will be proud of.

What have you just learnt recently that blew you away? 
I am constantly blown away by the speed of innovation in 3D printing technology. From printing small objects to an entire house, we have entered a new future where 3D printing can save lives! I have seen heartening news about how a bird with a broken beak was given a second chance in life thanks to a 3D printed beak that was scanned and designed to fit exactly how its normal beak would have been. There is also the life changing potential of 3D printed organs!

If you had your time again, what would you do differently? 
Since I can never go back in time again, I would imagine what kind of things I had wanted while growing up and propose these options for my children. I would start them early on financial education and allow them the freedom to buy whatever they want, but with their own money. I believe one cannot truly understand what they want unless they experience its existence. I will do my best to allow my kids to live a free life and hope they will find out their purpose. 

How do you unwind? 
I love listening to music, watching dramas, movies, and documentaries. Music ignites my emotions, while movies and dramas give me a chance to immerse myself in a “life” I may never experience in reality.

Favourite Asian destination for relaxation? Why? 
I like Phú Quốc! I gazed at happy skies while enjoying the uplifting breeze there with my beautiful wife!  

Everyone in business should read this book: 
I prefer audiobooks and love Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Total Recall. Narrated with The Governator’s unbelievable accent (only for a small part), you can surely learn some cool tricks from the Unbelievably True Life Story of the world’s most successful bodybuilder, actor, businessman, and Governor.  

Shameless plug for your business: 

Rather than speaking for ourselves, here is one testimonial from our esteemed client, after we had completed a Ten million dollars “Addition & Alteration works” project for Paragon, a luxury shopping complex located in the Orchard Road area of Singapore. “Mr. Por of Grand Build Interior has proven to be a reliable, efficient and co-operative contractor from the past projects. He has also shown great commitment and genuine interest in all his works and we believe that the company will grow under his leadership and management.” 

– Mr. Sze, Orchard 290 Limited, Head of Facilities and Project Management   

How can people connect with you? 

Visit us – 

Email us – [email protected] 

Call us – 62825688

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Callum Laing is an entrepreneur and investor based in Singapore. He has previously started, built, and sold half a dozen businesses and is now a Partner at Unity-Group Private Equity and Co-Founder and CEO of MBH Corporation PLC. He is the author of three best-selling books ‘Progressive Partnerships’, ‘Agglomerate’, and ‘Entrepreneurial Investing’.

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