Jeremy Bryant was born and raised in Paris, educated in UK with a British father and Swedish mother.

He holds a BA in international business from Brighton University, worked in media for the past 15 years, lived in over 12 countries around the world where he led operations in Hong Kong, Paris, Lisbon, New York, Moscow, Vancouver, Sao Paolo since 2004 for Metro International SA. He was promoted to Vice President, Global Logistics and Marketing Director in 2009.

In summer 2014 after leaving Metro International, he moved to Lisbon, Portugal, where he founded TimeResQ now operating in 16 cities, 13 countries.


In your own words what is TimeResQ?

The only upon-arrival stock up service provider of food, toiletries and other essentials for leisure and business travellers utilising short-stay home rental services such as Airbnb and HomeAway.

How did you come up with the idea of TimeResQ?

Having spent some 15 years working my way up progressively to a top post as VP Global Marketing and Distribution director of Metro International based in Stockholm, Sweden, I decided to take some time off to reflect on my next career step by identifying my skills, achievements and interests.

 After moving to Lisbon Portugal in a charming little apartment in the city center, I noticed a weekly flow of tourists coming and going from the upstairs flat. It was a successful airbnb rental. Every week, I would see the freshly arrived group of friends ready to kick start their vacation. Even though different age groups, nationality and reason to visit Lisbon, all had in common to rapidly seek directions and tips on where to buy basic necessities, water bottles, basic food, beach towels etc…

 Intrigued, as I sensed a great market opportunity here that would match – and be solved  – by my interests, strengths and skills, I then started researching what kind of service towards such short term guests existed out there, and, not surprisingly, I couldn’t find any. There were innumerable companies servicing the host who provided the flat – cleaning, key exchange, guest greetings… but not one company provided services directly to the guests themselves. It’s true reaching guests prior their travel and for them to book their necessities in advance carries a massive challenge – logistically of course but also reaching an audience arriving from all over the world. This meant that to satisfy this need successfully, you had to launch internationally from the start to have a small chance to be heard. This opportunity really energized me and made me happy!

Could you walk us through the process of starting up TimeResQ?

 I found this challenge really motivating by its potential and the confidence I have that my skills will allow me to fulfill it successfully. Having worked on a global level for the past decade and being in charge of 25 countries in the media world, I started to reach out to my network, an in a 6 month time frame, I managed to secure 4 qualified partners with the necessary international professional backgrounds who all tipped in for this massive project. In only 8 month we have managed to launch operations in 13 countries, 16 cities including the top tourist destinations (Paris, London, New York, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mumbai).

Monday 11th of May, after 8 months of hard work with my 4 partners, TimeResQ was launched here to fulfill a basic need created in 2008 with the birth of vacation home rentals – such as Airbnb, HomeAway and others alike. We are now all focusing on raising funds and continuing our aggressive expansions with plans to open soon Shanghai, Rome, Milan, Vienna, and many more.

Did you encounter any particular difficulties during startup?

To launch operations in 13 countries, 16 cities including the top tourist destinations (Paris, London, New York, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mumbai) in only 8 months is a feat in itself. This achievement required great courage, energy, innovation, perseverance, skill, imagination, diplomacy and entrepreneurship. These qualities will drive us to success. Finding the right people in different cities around the world is no easy task but this is what we are accomplishing – and quickly.

How have you been developing TimeResQ since startup?

 Our direction of development in this modern fast changing digital world is to be conscious that we all want to have access to the best, more simply, and without stress and hassle. Yes – the customer is king.

What kind of feedback did you get for TimeResQ so far?

Feedback has been very positive and the value in our service seems to be obvious to people. Whoever has enjoyed a home rental knows the challenges TimeResQ is solving.

What is your strategy against your competition?

 We do not suffer from any competition today, as setting up such a network is complex. Usually start-ups starts on a lower scale to test and get a proof of concept. Our first sales in week 2 of launch confirm our strategy to have gone big from day 1. We are ready to be copied and our strategy is to cover 30 markets by year 1, a pace which is difficult to follow by any company. We are also working on a full range of products and services unique in its diversity which has for purpose to fulfill any travellers need, but also very difficult to implement as a competitor. We have managed to get a good head start and we will insure to keep the momentum of this advantage.

Have you developed any industry insights that you could share?

The vacation Home Rental has taken over 10% of the hotel industry since 2008, and it is expected to cover 50% of all over-night stays by 2020. Adding to this is the growing global population of +75 million people a year, a global tourism growth of 4.7% YoY, a tourist expenditure estimated at over 937 billion USD and growing – the industry is booming like never before.

How do you plan to stay relevant in this industry?

Staying relevant mainly consist of insuring our customers are fulfilled. Listen, implement and offer rapidly are the key tools for this. We do have our own ways of data study, however we prefer to remain silent on this side.

What do you think about being an entrepreneur in Asia?

Asia offers today a greater range of opportunities, a booming investment sector, a market which can rapidly support your concept and bring it to success. However, successful entrepreneurial thinking is globally the same rather than local. It needs the similar skills in Asia as in Europe and America. It is the dynamic, entrepreneurial activity which leads to the creation of sound business, ideas that must come first before a plan can be formulated. What is necessary is to learn and acquire Asian values, perspectives, approaches,  ways of thinking, and ways of communication. It is key to be clear regarding Asian-Western cultural differences and avoid misunderstandings and master the ways to overcome them.

What is your opinion on Asian entrepreneurship vs Western entrepreneurship?

 Asian entrepreneurship are more open to new tech and keen of testing new solutions out, I find the curiosity levels much higher.

I find Asian entrepreneurship more open to new tech and keener to test out new solutions. Also, I find the Asian curiosity levels much higher. In Asia I find there are more family business ventures than just single founded ones. However, as mentioned above, successful entrepreneurial thinking requires the same skills in Asia as in continents. It is the dynamic, entrepreneurial activity, which leads to the creation of sound business, ideas that must come first before a plan can be formulated

What is your definition of success?

 Success for me would imply converting my business idea / concept into a sustainable growing company earning a good return on our investment by providing great customer satisfaction. Success would also mean personal pride and fulfillment in the skills we used and developed in the process and our team’s commitment to our company’s objectives and goals.

Why did you decide to become an entrepreneur?

My intuition, personality, experience and accomplishments to date have allowed me to explore and define my life goals and preferences and these will be realised as an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur is the right job for me – not only do I enjoy it – being my own boss, using my best skills, being energised, creating value and satisfaction for others – it also provides me with greater opportunities to achieve success – such as choosing and running the right business for me – TimeResQ!

In your opinion, what are the keys to entrepreneurial success?

Choosing the correct sector/ niche for you; spending time planning your venture – this will clarify objectives, strategy, focus and provide confidence; know your target market and customers and ensure you continue to provide value to them and, especially at the outset, publicise and communicate your organisation and services as effectively as you can.

 Any parting words of wisdom for entrepreneurs out there from your personal experience?

What better than to quote Confucius as parting words of wisdom for entrepreneurs – and with which I personally fully agree:

– Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.

– Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.

– The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.

and finally

– Wherever you go go with all your heart.








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