Many non-believers may liken the art of Feng Shui to pure hokum, but with his many years of experience with feng shui, Goh Chuen Meng, or better known as Master Hui, has worked hard to dispel such myths commonly associated with the practice. Master Hui explains that Feng Shui is actually based on the natural study of energy and magnetic fields founded on a system of science and knowledge. While Master Hui believes that destiny is in one’s hand, he recognises that one can make use of Feng Shui remedies to improve one’s fate, fortune, health and love related aspects of their lives. Master Hui emphasises on a Chinese proverb: “The land where a good person lives is a land of happiness and on each land of happiness lives a good person.”

Master Hui believes firmly that one who acts in kindness towards others will be naturally rewarded with good things and get to know the right people, who will in turn be able to offer him assistance.

Master Hui started plying his trade in 1986 and has offered Feng Shui consultancy services to not only individuals but for large corporate bodies as well. The services ranges from personal matters pertaining to health, wealth and love to professional interior design for residences and commercial properties. Master Hui has always made it a point to educate his clients on how to identify the line between superstition and Feng Shui.

His unwavering dedication and commitment to his art has resulted in a notable pool of clientele, many of whom have been referred through testimonials and personal recommendations. This includes high profile artistes from Mediacorp, radio DJs, as well as numerous regional stars. Feng Shui is not limited by any race or religion, with it becoming a common practice even amongst other ethnic groups, many of whom are frequent patrons of Hui Master’s services.

Master Hui also contributes frequently to popular magazines such as You-weekly, Woman’s Weekly, Nuyou, Her World, Female, STYLE Living, Healthy Times, Lianhe Wanbao, Shin Min Daily, and The Straits Times, sharing his knowledge and helping readers to resolve their problems. The fact that Master Hui is able to explain Feng Shui and Bazi in simple terms and real life examples has made his articles very easy to read and relatable, thus allowing people to learn more about the ancient wisdom and understand what success and true happiness in life is about.

As a professional Feng Shui consultancy firm, Hui Master International Geomancy keeps its flag high. In 2006, the company was awarded the ISO9001:2000 certification, which is a quality control and assurance standard that is recognised internationally. This proves that Master Hui has achieved a world-class standard in his profession and service management in Feng Shui, and that the Hui Master brand has attained a global status and leading position in Southeast Asia. In 2007, the development of Hui Master International Geomancy Pte Ltd was brought forward once again, as it was awarded the Golden Brand Award and Heritage Brands Award by the International Brand Summit (IBS).

All of these illustrious awards embody all the recognition and praises that Master Hui has received. He is certainly a pioneer among the Feng Shui practitioners in Singapore in receiving honours worldwide. Always striving for excellence, Master Hui has aimed to continue to provide first-class Feng Shui services for his clients.

Other than his numerous achievements with his company, Master Hui has worked hard in giving back to society as a generous philanthropist. Master Hui also proudly stands as one of only four Singaporeans who have achieved the Overseas Chinese Outstanding Achievement Award – a testament to his life’s work and knowledge. The award recognises Master Hui’s efforts to aid the less fortunate by participating in charitable deeds each year. His fund raising activities have benefitted organizations like the National Kidney Foundation, Ren Ci Hospital, Kwong Wai Shui Hospital, Moral Home For Disabled, Singapore Community Nursing Home and Handicaps Welfare Association.

Aside from giving his invaluable time to charities, Master Hui also sets aside a sizable sum to lend a helping hand to those in need. From regular donations of basic commodities to old folks homes and orphanages both locally and regionally, to five-figure donations given to help victims of natural disasters such as the Sichuan Earthquake (2008), Myanmar Typhoon (2008), Qing Hai Earthquake (2010), amongst many other non-publicized charitable deeds.

On one occasion, when a serious flood had occurred in Thailand, Master Hui rendered his help at once and personally went to Thailand and joined in with the charity drives. The benevolent efforts that Master Hui had put in were recognised by the Thai Royals and he was summoned and rewarded by Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej and his family.

Backed by two generations of experience and a lifetime of practice, Master Hui redefines what it means to be a Feng Shui consultant in the present age and time. Service quality, aptitude and professionalism – hallmarks of Hui Master’s winning brand.

Master Hui believes that as the school of Feng Shui develops and matures, living standards will be improved and this in turn will promote a more harmonious and stable society, which will be beneficial for progress and growth.

Goh Chuen Meng is a winner of the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards 2015 Singapore, under the Most Promising Category. The Awards were held on 14th August 2015 at Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel.

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