I’ve been an entrepreneur for quite a while, but I didn’t eagerly and authentically enter the ranks. In the beginning, as my income increased, I thouhght I needed to have a place to write off things so I could save on my taxes, so I followed the advice of an accountant and created a business. Yep, that’s the whole truth!
- Mindset is everything. What you believe and how you think will determine whether or not you succeed.
- 80% of business success is found in becoming a strategic, creative and intuitive CEO.
- You don’t get paid for your time, you’re paid for your expertise and the quality of experience you help your client consistently achieve.
- It’s not about the money your gift is present to benefit others.
- Before you gain momentum, you have to experience the moment. Success is comprised of every little thing you do added together over time. Be strategic. Keep going.
- loving what you do causes everything that happens on your journey to have value
- You start with talent then combine talent with focused training in the craft which leads to mastery. Mastery has many levels. As your mastery grows, your confidence grows and thus, your business achieves ever evolving success.
- There are 3 essential keys to growing your business: 1. mindset 2. knowledge 3. execution. Tend to each area with focus and commitment and you can’t help but succeed!
- Trust your gut – let your intuition sit in the head chair at all of your meetings and brainstorming sessions.
- Whatever you don’t know and need to know, learn it. Everything else delegate to someone smarter than you.
- Plan like the tortoise that knows when to run like the hare
- Play with Fear on the Field – move forward especially when you’re afraid. The benefits will BLOW your mind
- Put an end point on the timeline for your dream. Assess where you are and whether or not you want to keep going in that direction. You can alway stop if you want to.
- There is no shame in making money as you serve other. Money is a tool for good.
- Invest to become the best. Hire a coach, get a mentor who is 10 steps ahead of you.
- Think creativity and compliment not competition and copy.
- Be a laser beam and not a floodlight – get clear, make a plan and stay focused as you master one thing at a time.
- The best expert knows how and when to be a great student.
- Know what value you bring to the room. Never apologize for how you’ve grown.
- Serve with S.O.U.L. Serve Others with Unlimited Love.
- BONUS – make paying yourself a priority!
If you’re in the first 5 years of your entrepreneurial journey, I used to be right where you are. I share these lessons learned to encourage you and inspire you to keep going! Along the way, I made quite a few mistakes, but hey, that’s part of what gives me the cahoones to help and support others to achieve their entrepreneur dreams!
What’s your success story? Share your lessons learned below.
Remember, life is precious. Do your happy dance. Enjoy Life!
Denise J. Hart is an entrepreneur, author and now coach.