Paul Democritou is an entrepreneur, business consultant and author. He owns a consulting company and an international recruitment agency in Bulgaria as well as a video production company in Greece. He works most of the time as a business consultant but he is also known as an entertainer that went by the name Paul D.

As a very successful sales and marketing trainer in the timeshare industry Paul has been meaning to write a book on sales and marketing for years but never quite got to it. He also lacked a bigger vision or goal and although made a lot of money in his life, went bankrupt a few times.

He was lucky enough to have a mentor that helped him understand money and shift his mindset. Once he started to make money and become successful he was hit with another blow that goes by the name Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma – cancer.

While in hospital and home he continued to work as and study as he knew that siting and waiting would just take precious time out of life, he also found a higher goal and wrote a book on how to succeed even in harsh conditions with action plans to make money even with zero capital. When he couldn’t write, he recorded and had the book transcribed and the book will be out soon.

Being a consultant in Greece and also a public speaker in Greece Paul tries to help people with cancer and gives them free seminars as well as 1/3 of profits from his book sold in general.

He is a philanthropist still fighting cancer while helping other people to fight theirs and aims to help charities and focuses on teaching people to achieve success.
Through his website Paul gives free advice on sales, marketing, motivation and tries to help people reach success.

In your own words what do you do?

Right now, I am focused in releasing my book SUCCESS I.A.O which will aim to help people reach success even under harsh conditions and even with zero capital. This includes action plans and how to section.

I also teach seminars and train people in sales and marketing and have a course which will be available online soon.

I give free advice on my blog and I help people fight cancer by giving them 1/3 of profits from my book when its released as well as seminars for free among other things.

What led you to your current business?

Well I was a sales and marketing trainer anyway and business consultant. I wanted to write a book on sales for years but never got to it just wasn’t motivated or ready I guess. When I got cancer and started treatment I had a vision and was inspired to write. That pretty much gave birth to

Could you walk us through your process of developing your business?

Yeah, its very simple. I was mostly concentrating on my other businesses my main one being recruiting CNC specialists, engineers and general workers for a large international American company in the middle east as well as setting up my new construction company in Bulgaria.

I was also working on expanding my video production company in Greece, then I had a lung embolism as well as other symptoms and then found out I had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer.

I worked as much as I could from hospital and it hit me! Do whatever it takes even in most harsh situations. I made a promise to give back and it hit me again, combine it with a book.

It was hard working and I had a big adventure and complications but I went through it, If I can do it so can others, and if I can show them how, I can help others. That’s what kept me going.

Did you encounter any particular difficulties in the beginning and how did you overcome it?

Many difficulties, Chemotherapy is harsh and I was in and out of the hospital. Also its hard to concentrate and there is physical and psychological pain involved and emotional impact as well. BUT, when you have faith, have a purpose and a higher goal it actually isn’t that bad. Humans can adapt, that’s what got us to where we are.
I overcame cancer by praying, positive energy, medicine but also combining it with alternative cancer diets and exercise and work.

I basically followed the core advice in my book. If you are sitting in bed for 6 months waiting not only will it be worst, but you lost 6 months or more of your time. But if you work and study you win time for later projects.

One problem for example I had to overcome was I had difficulty writing and was in bed a lot that period and could not get up as my head was hurting and went numb and I was losing my concentration. This was due to an injection to my spine i was getting every month or so that gave me that complication.

So I improvised, adapted and overcame the situation by recording most of my book and getting it transcribed.

What is your long term plan?

First of all I don’t have a plan I have a strategy, You need to have a strategy because things don’t always go as planned! Your end goal is your focus but you can change things to get there.

Basically I will to expand my book writing and my public speaking activities as well as other businesses.

I want to reach extraordinary heights and use it as an example to help others achieve the same.
One of my goals is to lead them and inspire people. Help them achieve their dreams.

I also want to keep learning. I love knowledge. We need to keep learning, expanding and creating.

What can I say, I am an entrepreneur, philanthropist and sales man at heart!

Could you share with us some industry insights?

Well, the Author industry is new to me and I can write books about my other businesses. Tell you what Ill do, anyone needing advice and industry insights can contact me through my website at and I will try to answer as soon as I can. I will be doing a stem cell transplant soon and in hospital and things may be hard for a while but Ill get back as soon as I can.

What are some important lessons you’ve learnt about entrepreneurship?

Faith, Positive attitude, nutrition and a successful mindset along with knowledge can get you through the most difficult situations much easier in any bad situation which is inevitable in business.

I was lucky to have learn’t this, as I was fighting cancer, I was out and about more than other people in my situation and I was always smiling and joking with everyone. As a matter of fact people couldn’t tell I had cancer unless I told them.

Any tips for achieving success?

I have written a whole book on it. Stay positive, never give up and stay focused on your goals.

I did this when I was bankrupt, I did this when I had major problems and I did this as I am fighting cancer. Do the same. Find mentors, study and learn.

Stop doing what you like today to achieve what you will love tomorrow and you don’t find success in life. You create it.

Go to my website and join my mailing list for free advice and goodies. You can also join my Success HQ members only section for free for a limited time.

Lastly if you are fighting cancer email me through my website and ill send you a free copy of the book when its out as well as try to organize free seminars to achieve success and try to help you get over your condition as much as I can.


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