Vincent Kwok saw the potential in American Ginseng for it’s healing enhancement. Now we can all experience ginseng in his carefully crafted beverages.

What’s your story?
After nights of endless sleep in Deloitte auditing and passing all HKICPA exams, I quit my job before qualifying as a certified accountant. Why? Because I wanted to make a change, not only to my life but to everyone else’s lives too. I then joined forces with two university colleagues and co-founded GinZengTM.

GinZengTM is the first beverage with genuine American ginseng bites. We crafted the product so that it is convenient and accessible without compromising taste, quality and style. Aiming at reviving this ancient hero among young people, we created GinZengTM with three main things in mind: “Keep it real, Keep it good, Keep it stylish ”

What excites you most about your industry?
American ginseng has been a well known Chinese herb for health enhancement, however people’s lack of knowledge in American ginseng and the expensive price tag on American ginseng means it was only available to the lucky few. I am thrilled to see that GinZeng has broken down all barriers of entry for these people.

What’s your connection to Asia?
I was born in Hong Kong. My parents are both Chinese and born in Indonesia and my relatives are all over Asia. unnamed (1)


Favourite city in Asia for business and why?
Hong Kong as it is where most of my friends and my family live. There are not only up times in a startup but also down times and that’s why I want to be as close to them as possible.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
Nike and Adidas – ‘Just do it’ and ‘Impossible is nothing.’

Who inspires you?
Uzumaki Naruto in Naruto and Monkey and D. Luffy in One Piece. Both I have followed since I was a boy. I grew up with them and with one thing in mind, never give up.

What have you just learnt recently that blew you away?
My best friend is about to be a father and I don’t even have a girlfriend.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
As a start up, keeping costs as low as possible is ideal so I asked a lot of friends for favours. I wish now I had treated them better before I started the business, because they did not say no to me.

How do you unwind?
I sing karaoke and eat. Singing releases all my emotions, then eating makes me happy.

Favourite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
Phuket because it is a cheaper option compared to Maldives, Bali and Samui. Sun and beaches with music, gets your mind off everything.

Everyone in business should read this book:
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Shameless plug for your business:
GinZeng drinks are a natural life balancer that help improve wellbeing and rejuvenate the body. They can deepen concentration, sharpen your mind, improve memory, and energize the body, all without caffeine!

GinZeng is available in three exciting flavours so there’s always something suitable for your mood and preferences; Original GinZeng, Goji Berry GinZeng and Rose GinZeng.

Check out the details and you can buy online here!

How can people connect with you?
You can add me on facebook, follow me on instagram PureGinZeng or email me  [email protected]

Twitter handle?

This interview was part of the Callum Connect’s column found on The Asian Entrepreneur:


Callum Laing invests and buys small businesses in a range of industries around Asia.  He has previously started, built and sold half a dozen businesses and is the founder & owner of Fitness-Buffet a company delivering employee wellness solutions in 12 countries.  He is a Director of, amongst others, Key Person of Influence.  A 40 week training program for business owners and executives.

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