Doc Dalton, the America’s Simple Man could best be described as the illegitimate eccentric Love Child of Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson if they could have a baby together. Doc, who won the battle over depression and suicide has received salvation, and today he looks at the world and approaches it in a different perspective. He considers himself delightful on the outside with a side dish of humor and pain on the inside with a heart that truly cares for others.

The idea behind ‘the America’s Simple Man’ is where common sense and simplicity equals success in everyday life. To Doc Dalton, the title reminds him always to maintain his sanity and to keep life and everything around it as simple as possible. He believes that the world is already complicated and it is beyond control most of the times. And if one could find a way to bring life and all activities to the simplest form, it’s Doc himself who does that even in his poetry that is so different, yet brings him peace of mind as shown below in the last 4 lines of his most his recent poem. ‘A Shot of Cuervo and some Jesus to go.’ Doc wrote:

“I’ve Prayed like Hell, to the Heavens up above

To ask for his mercy and even more, for his love

I’m tattered and torn, don’t know how much more I can go

Hey, bartender, I’ll take a shot of Cuervo, and some Jesus to go.”

Doc’s idea and views about life stem from his personal challenges. He has been a victim of depression which controlled and drove him to some dark places no one can ever understand even if they claim so, and was hospitalized twice. He met the beautiful side of life when a doctor suggested poetry. Though at first, he thought it was a crazy idea, when he was locked up, inspirations started flowing in, to his greatest surprise, and this ultimately led to the other side of the world he never knew.

Doc believes that 95% of his poems were divinely inspired and he still enjoys an uninterrupted divine flow of inspirations till this day. He has published some of his excellent works in a national poetry magazine and other media, and people still ask for his permission to use his poems for different occasions. Doc Dalton has also written two ‘Spiritual’ books; yet to be released which explain some of the events that transpired in his life. He has full certainty that poetry gave him salvation from depression.

The ‘America’s Simple Man’ is blessed with a beautiful wife, a loving and caring daughter, an awesome granddaughter, and a great son-in-law. He is also blessed with great friends, some of which only exist in his head and stay forever loyal to him. Doc has a personal relationship with Jesus. He was recently ordained, and he’s totally committed to Christ.

The eccentric ‘America’s Simple Man’ has hosted a few shows, two of which were ‘Outlaws 4 Christ Radio’ and ‘Outlaws and the Blues.’ The show had a wide coverage and received numerous commendations from individuals who liked the show. The ‘Outlaws 4 Christ Radio’ will be on air again in 2017 after five years of being off the airwaves. There is a plan for another type of cable show in the pipeline.

Doc Dalton hopes to keep maintaining a simple life while appreciating the simple things the world has to offer. He aspires to write more poetry and other books, and also to be a guest on the Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday’s show so that he can impact others with his personal life experience. States Doc, it’s your goals and dreams, there for free so make them as big as you want to and Oprah’s, my goal for many reasons.


What do you do?

I try my best to bring peace and relaxation to people? It doesn’t matter if it’s business, if it everyday life, it doesn’t matter if it is faith and it could be as simple as having a conversation with someone. Everything needs to start from a point of calm and peace.

When I speak to people about joining me as part of my income team, they need to first know that here cannot and will not be any drama with in our talk or everyday operation.

What led you to your career? 

It started from becoming ill. My world was in total turmoil. I suffered and still do from depression and it crippled me to the point I was nonoperational. I was also diagnosed with a disease called Sarcodosis. At one point with this sickness I couldn’t walk, my eye sight was affected, my balance was affected and my joints were painful and I was just barely getting through my days. I learned shortly afterwards that one of the side effects of Sacodosis is depression which only made it worst.

Through a long period of rehab and therapy I learned that there were countless others who had the same problems I had or maybe even worse. It was then that I decided to change everything within my life around and create a simple path to success, not only for myself, but for others as well. A type of positive journey for all to follow.

 What led you to your business? 

Research. I made my own requirements of what I needed and what I wanted a company to have for me to be associated with them. It was almost as if I were interviewing them to work for me. Some of my requirements were things such as, “leadership, company structure, being debt free and have a positive standing with the BBB. Compensation plan, reputation of paying on time all the time. Potential Cost and potential pay out. Long term goals and last, products.

Note about products: They are important as far as fitting in to my concept but the truth is, I never join a company for products, WHY? Because products don’t pay bills, Income does.

How have you been developing your business?

It came down to branding myself. For years, I was in the field of pro wrestling and everything revolved the branding of your so-called character. The same applied here. I hosted several radio shows, I am an author and have two books being released in 2017. These books are Spiritual in nature and the first one is called: “It’s A God Thing” and the second book is called, “That’s the Beauty of it All” and I have a total of 4 more books coming out through 2018. I am also a poet and have been published nationally. In addition to this I come from a totally different place being very Spiritual. So branding myself within these boundaries of what I just explained, people know from the start that I am a calm and I am about peace and I am about creating a simple journey in life and bring that simplicity straight to my income team and straight to everyone’s success. This is how, America’s Simple Man, Doc Dalton came to be.

I always say, the following: Never be greedy, but always be consistent and I also say, this is Where Common Sense and Simplicity Equal Success.

 Did you encounter any particular difficulties in the beginning? 

Yes. Like all adventures there are bumps in the road. You think in your mind that it is important for people to believe in you and your concept and your way of thinking. The truth is, you really need to believe in yourself because at that point everything else will fall in place.

If your branding is intact, then people tend to see exactly what you want them to see. So the biggest hurdle you need to get over is the one of people not only believing you, but realizing that you have no desire to cheat them or hurt them in anyway. If they realize that is you did that, you would only hurt yourself in the long run, at that point people start to let their guard down. I truly believe, people are geared to fail and not believe. So the end result is to make the believers in you.

What is your long term plan?

This Team that is being formed needs to be different. It needs to reach out to people all on its own. It’s a great thought about developing an income, but the thought of developing hope is even bigger. If you can give people hope, you can give them the world.

We have what I call a Think Tank. This is where members of the team together develop ideas for marketing, Press/Pr, newspapers, magazines, radio, television and so much more to get our word out there and our journey as well.

 I talked about branding myself, it is now time to brand a team and after that, brand more teams and keep this going to a much greater level. Teams all over, helping people all over and possibly taking a small percentage and helping charitable organizations along the way.

 The journey never stops and neither does the giving of hope and the assistance to others.

 Could you share some industry insights with us? 

There really isn’t any for me. But if I had to give an answer I would say,

  1. Believe in yourself.
  2. Have faith in yourself.
  3. Always be 100% honest all the time, not only to yourself, but to others as well.
  4. Give the gift of hope to people by being the one who inspires them.
  5. Pray like Hell to the Heavens up above for guidance and love.

A little Prayer always goes a long way.

Any lessons learnt about business?

Be accountable to yourself and to others is a big lesson. Don’t listen to others who say it can’t be done because there is a very good chance they never tried anything themselves. If they did, the more than likely failed at it because they didn’t keep it simple, they didn’t believe in themselves and they didn’t have hope.

 Trust you gut, not someone’s words. Remember, a bad experience is also a learning experience.

Any tips for success you could share with our readers?? 







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