Luca Lam is the founder of a top-end visual merchandising and branding business in Hong Kong.

What’s your story?
I am the founder & CEO of Blue Mount and have been working with and living in aesthetics for 2 decades. I started my career as a visual merchandiser with Louis Vuitton then Shanghai Tang and Godiva before running my own business.

What excites you most about your industry?
The ever-changing nature of fashion and art that speaks about a particular era.

What’s your connection to Asia?
I was born in Southern China, grew up in HK and started my business in Shanghai. Now I have offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen. My roots are here and I am constantly inspired by the diverse cultures and the amalgamation of East and West in all walks of lives.

Favourite city in Asia for business and why?
There’s no place like Hong Kong. Everything is possible here with the “can-do attitude”, it is also a melting pot of opportunity mixed with exceptional resilience.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
You need to stretch to your full length in order to find your high ground. Your desire will drive you to success and abundance in life.

Who inspires you?
Adrian Cheng, a non-conformist who re-defines how art should be brought to life and made relevant to the millennials. He builds influence with his vision and unconventional wisdom. People remember him as who he is, beyond part of the Cheng’s family.

What have you just learnt recently that blew you away?
China Ruyi Group acquired SMCP, Bally and Trinity Group, Chinese companies are becoming key players in the global luxury market.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
Nothing, I would do exactly the same thing and live my life to the full.

How do you unwind?
Watch a good movie, enjoy some good sense of humour and just chill.

Favourite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
Shaxi of Yunnan, a historic market town located roughly halfway between Dali and Lijiang. It is where you feel time pauses that makes one more mindful of life purposes. And the arts and crafts from various ethnic minority, from embroidery to silverware are priceless heritage.

Everyone in business should read this book:
Decades of Beauty – The Changing Image of Women 1890s-1990s

Shameless plug for your business:
Blue Mount is an Integrated Experience Curator, we do multi-disciplinary curation of retail experiences integrating creativity, arts, technological innovation and visual merchandising to tell stories for luxury brands like Christian Louboutin, Fendi, Shanghai Tang, Tumi, K11, Lane Crawford and many more.

How can people connect with you?
[email protected]

This interview is part of the ‘Callum Connect’ series of more than 500 interviews

Callum Laing is an entrepreneur and investor based in Singapore. He has previously started,
built and sold half a dozen businesses and is now a Partner at Unity-Group Private Equity and Co-Founder of The Marketing Group PLC. He is the author two best selling books ‘Progressive Partnerships’ and ‘Agglomerate’.

Connect with Callum here:
Download free copies of his books here:

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