A mid-life career change set Mike Sim on a route that led to him starting a fund management company managing high-value clients throughout Asia.

What’s your story? 

After a mid-life career switch, I started as a banker and slowly moved up the ranks. I survived some major restructuring as my Team Manager had faith in me despite my age. I slowly learnt the way of the business and made my mark and position within my industry while applying ethics, morality and legality. It was a difficult journey but I am glad I met the right mentors who guided me along the way. 

What excites you most about your industry? 

Getting to meet new people who specialized in their industry, learning new things, and keeping myself updated with the latest training or understanding of the industry.

What is your connection to Asia? 
I was referred by Mr Lenney Leong. 

Favourite city in Asia for business and why? 
Definitely Singapore, given the brand and beauty of the city. I grew up here and the fund regulations set by the authorities provide a world-class international standard that gives me confidence. 

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? 

For things to change, first I must change. 

Who inspires you? 
Ray Dalio. A world-class fund manager, he humbly started his firm in his house and grew to the size he is now while daily delivering motivating principles to share with the world. He is inspiring to me. 

What have you just learnt recently that blew you away? 
Babies’ lives are simple! Eat, poo, sleep! I have a newborn! 

If you had your time again, what would you do differently? 
I guess none. I would stick with who I am and go with the flow. I love where I am and what I am doing right now. 

How do you unwind?
I try to spend time with my family as this is a time when precious memories are imprinted. For my ME time, I am good with some basketball, cycling or just sleeping. 

Favourite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
Definitely, a place where I can be with my family, exploring, trying new places of interest and food. My last destination was Hokkaido, Japan where I did a self drive. We were on a highway, and we came across Moai in Hokkaido! We didn’t even know there are Moai in Hokkaido. It was truly an amazing experience. 

Everyone in business should read this book: 
When Breath Becomes Air, is an autobiographical book written by American Neurosurgeon Dr. Paul Kalanithi. 

Shameless plug for your business: 

My business is still a startup (after 3 years). If you are looking for someone that you can trust and rely on in Singapore, Entail Holdings will be the stop you are looking for. Let’s Talk. 

How can people connect with you? 

People can connect with me via Linkedin, they can message me to say where have they seen my contact details. 

Social Media Links:


To hear how entrepreneurs around the world overcome their challenges, search your favourite podcast platform for ‘CallumConnects‘ to hear a 5-minute daily breakdown.

Callum Laing is an entrepreneur and investor based in Singapore. He has previously started, built, and sold half a dozen businesses and is now a Partner at Unity-Group Private Equity and Co-Founder and CEO of MBH Corporation PLC. He is the author of three best-selling books ‘Progressive Partnerships’, ‘Agglomerate’, and ‘Entrepreneurial Investing’.

Connect with Callum on Twitter and LinkedIn
Download free copies of his books at www.callumlaing.com

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