Vivek Vyas

Vivek Vyas is a first generation entrepreneur  having 7 years plus experience in sales and training. He holds various professional qualifications and believes constant learning as a part of professional life. An initiator and a team player who had been frequently assigned leadership tasks. He was instrumental in developing and training Baroda module bancassurance team of SBI and taking it nationally no.1 during his tenure. His core competency lies in training, relationship management and network development.

He has prepared and rolled out many activities and initiatives for promoting sales, recruitment and agencies which were implemented and proved to be successful. His competency lies in training and network development and wants to plug the gap between real and virtual world.

Vimal Popat

A commerce graduate with a view to offer something exciting and useful to the society ; Vimal Popat left the well settled job and took plunge into entrepreneurship. He holds in access of 12 years of experience into sales and man management and developing successful dealerships and agencies. He believes in raising the bar and challenge the limits.

He has successfully managed and developed dealer network with Castrol India ltd. and later managed unit of more than 100 successful financial advisors with Tata aig wherein he created many records. His core expertise lies in concept development, execution, testing and man management

In your own words what is Shradhanjali? is India’s 1st tribute portal which lets people relive lives their ancestors and departed loved ones lived and pass on their rich legacy to future generation. It is a platform to fetch ancestral history and complete ready reference of our ancestors.

How did you come up with the idea of Shradhanjali?

The idea came in fluke  while having snacks as the snacks were served on piece of newspaper obituary column page we felt bit disturbed and these thought “cant these be presented in some more respectable and presentable manner which also stays forever and can be accessed globally and be remembered and shared?” these questions made us go about this noble portal

Did you encounter any particular difficulties during startup and if so, how did you guys overcome it?

Yes, while developing the site, we came across wrong developers who made many blunders and we had to face loss also due to that. the other difficulty was how to pitch and offer this service as it has never been experienced or even seen in indian market. With time we got better in developing sales call script which was necessary.

What do you think about being an entrepreneur in Asia?

It has started becoming easier of late and I am sure this decade will belong to asian entrepreneurship the kind of products /services are coming up from here has already put Asia on top of the world map.

What is your definition of success?

Success is very subjective. To me if I can do my job well on a daily basis and spread smile across people around me is a success to me.

Why did you decide to become an entrepreneur?

Both of us were in a settled job and we can be called accidental entrepreneurs, the idea came in fluke and some research mentioned that there is a gap which can be served. This made us go for it.

In your opinion, what are the keys to entrepreneurial success?

I believe some of the key characteristics are perseverance, passion and unshakable belief which make an entrepreneur.

Any parting words of wisdom for entrepreneurs out there?

As someone has rightly said – don’t fear failure. You need to be right once only.





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