Bhawna Will Cater Your Event and Provide A Social Experience, Like No Other

What’s your story?
I have always been creative with an eye for styling. This, paired with a desire to get people together over beautifully presented, delicious food, prompted me to start The Green Platters.

Our highly-styled grazing tables set the scene for people to make new connections and engage in deep conversations. We provide a social experience, like no other, The Green Platters is a beautiful alternative to traditional catering. Having lived in and traveled to so many places, I’ve been inspired to create recipes that incorporate a myriad of multi-national flavors and menu options.

The food & beverage industry is known for creating a lot of waste. This knowledge added to my determination to set up a company following 3 key principles: Be Sustainable, Source Local whenever possible, Be Ethical and give back to the community.

We are Hong Kong’s first grazing company to provide eco-friendly, biodegradable packaging, and our business is 95% plastic-free as we strive to offer artisan products with minimal waste.

What excites you most about your industry?
Everything! Food is what brings us all together and is a catalyst for making new conversations and connections.

Each table we set up, and each plate we set, is like having a blank canvas where we unleash our creativity. Aesthetics, creative flavors, and the overwhelmingly positive feedback we receive really makes my day!

There are endless inspiration and experimentation that happens in our kitchen! Each event is special and meeting new people is fun. It’s sure hard work – and we have worked from 3 AM till 12 midnight continuously – to delight our clients and their guests with delicious, sustainable, and unique artisan offerings.

What’s your connection to Asia?
I was born and spent my early years in India, then moved around the globe with my job. However, because staying close to my family is important to me, we decided to make Asia our base. Each city in Asia has its own charm and, of course, an amazing food scene! This inspired me in my journey to create delicious, contemporary, Indian, and different types of Asian food.

Favorite city in Asia for business and why?
Hong Kong, no doubt! It offers the ease of setting up a business, an amazing entrepreneur network as well as a very supportive community. People are open to meet-up, answer questions, and to collaborate.
For me, it’s a place where you can start with an idea, get quick feedback, and if needed, tweak and start again. The pace, vibrancy, and determination here is second to none. Also, it’s proximity to China opens up a world of infinite opportunities. Singapore is also good at providing support to startups.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
“Feedback is a gift. Ideas are the currency of our next success.”
It’s not just applicable for entrepreneurs, but for everybody. Feedback is a critical and amazing aspect of growing as a person as well as for growing your business. And, never undermine any of your ideas. One of them will surely get you working passionately on a successful business.

Who inspires you?
My brother. He never gives up and his super hard-working attitude inspires me. His ability to come up with absolutely delicious dishes using basic ingredients sets the bar high for me. I come from a family of entrepreneurs and was the only one working in a corporate role until I started The Green Platters. My amazing sister-in-law also inspires me with her continuous encouragement to always aim higher and do better!

What have you just learned recently that blew you away?
Black apples exist! They are called Black Diamond apples. Found in Tibet, they are from the Hua Niu family of apples.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
Actually nothing. Everything that happened, happened for a reason. Whether it’s a win or loss, positive or negative (all subjective), it has been a learning journey of improving, being challenged, collaborating, and so much more.

How do you unwind?
I also curate and design events, whether it’s corporate launches, weddings, and more. Surprisingly, watching design shows, reading about styles, and all types of creative work, actually relaxes me! I love to paint and spend time doing outdoor activities with my kids. Long walks also help me feel recharged and refreshed.

Favorite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
Thailand is one of our favorite places to relax. It has great food, culture, beaches, people, massages, and more. It ain’t called the land of smiles for nothing!

Everyone in business should read this book:
“Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies,” by Jim Collins.

Shameless plug for your business:
The Green Platters is a Hong Kong based, award-winning, boutique catering company. The Green Platters creates the most gorgeous and delicious grazing table masterpieces and platters. Using only premium ingredients and organic produce, it’s luxury gourmet catering that’s totally stress-free!

These are perfect for any occasion including weddings, corporate events, social gatherings, birthdays, junks, and more. All this, while being eco-friendly.

My love for innovation and launching new startups got me to tackle plastic waste issues in the catering industry.

Don’t forget to check out our nut cheeses, spreads, and other items – handmade right here in Hong Kong and endorsed by many, including SCMP.

How can people connect with you?
For beautiful and delicious events + food, find me at:
Email: [email protected]

Twitter handle?

To hear how entrepreneurs around the world overcome their challenges, search your favorite podcast platform for ‘CallumConnects’ to hear a 5-minute daily breakdown.

Callum Laing is an entrepreneur and investor based in Singapore. He has previously started, built, and sold half a dozen businesses and is now a Partner at Unity-Group Private Equity and Co-Founder and CEO of MBH Corporation PLC. He is the author of three best-selling books ‘Progressive Partnerships’, ‘Agglomerate’, and ‘Entrepreneurial Investing’.

Connect with Callum on Twitter and LinkedIn
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