Meet Asia’s First, Pets Only, Influencer Advertising Agency – Woof!

What’s your story?
My background was in advertising. Fast forward, I left after 3 years feeling burnt out, depressed and tired. I was at a point where I was feeling really lost and often turned to pet accounts on Instagram as my happy pills. I became emotionally invested in some of the accounts, and that’s when I realised that there’s an opportunity for us to marry social media and pets; and boom – The Woof Agency was born.

What excites you most about your industry?
I love pets, and I wake up every day counting my blessings to be able to work in something I am deeply passionate about. We are bullish about the market and so far our growth has been fantastic. 

What’s your connection to Asia?
I am a true blue Singaporean. I love everything Asian, and my chicken rice. 

Favourite place in Asia for business and why?
China. Lots of clever, hardworking and determined people. A country that has grown so quickly and has even exceeded some of the developed countries when it comes to adapting and technology. China never fails to impress me.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
You are better than you think you are. A lot of times, we are defeated by our own mind and think we are less than what we actually are. Be confident in yourself; you are not worth any less just because you started your own company with no branding (yet). 

Who inspires you?
Jack Ma, for his true rags to riches story, and, he is such a visionary man. I didn’t grow up rich, I’m from a lower-income family, so he inspired me a lot, in that you don’t have to grow up privileged to succeed in life. He represents “the dream” to many people and I can see why he is able to win the hearts of his employees. 

What have you just learned recently that blew you away?
That people are starting to notice The Woof Agency and our pet influencers. I feel really humbled and lucky to be able to do and share something I love, every day. 

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
Join a start-up instead of spending $20K for university. I’d probably learn far more from the hands on experience than what I would in a classroom setting. 

How do you unwind?
I talk to my dog, Milky (@milkythecloud), read Manga, and watch Anime. 

Favourite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
Tokyo, Japan! My fiancé and I have a shared love and passion for Japanese food, and I love how robust and energetic the city is, even at night. I just love the energy level. 

Everyone in business should read this book:
“Founders At Work: Stories of Startups’ Early Days” by Jessica Livingston. 

Shameless plug for your business:
The Woof Agency is a pet influencer marketing agency that has a global presence in 45 countries. Our clientele includes Aon Insurance, Dyson, Purina Singapore/United States, Crayola, Skechers, and others. 

In 2020, we have big plans to scale the company to the next level, to go beyond influencer marketing. We are also looking to expand overseas, primarily in the U.S. where we have already established basic awareness amongst pet influencers & brands. 

How can people connect with you?
My email is: [email protected]

Twitter handle?
@itsmejunko, but not an active user.

This interview is part of the ‘Callum Connects’ series of more than 500 interviews

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Callum Laing is an entrepreneur and investor based in Singapore. He has previously started, built and sold half a dozen businesses and is now a Partner at Unity-Group Private Equity and Co-Founder and CEO of MBH Corporation PLC. He is the author of three best-selling books ‘Progressive Partnerships’, ‘Agglomerate’ and ‘Entrepreneurial Investing’.

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