Val Senan started the Finest Man, to help men find the girl of his dreams whilst still being true to himself.

What’s your story?
I was a regular all round nice guy who just couldn’t find love. I became frustrated because I was always being rejected and ‘friend zoned.’ I discovered a secret community of men known as ‘pick up artists.’ With their help, I was able to easily attract and seduce any woman I desired. But, after 2 years of seducing women it left me feeling cold and empty on the inside. I began a personal journey to rediscover and heal myself from the poison of being a pick up artist. Fast forward 10 years and here I am helping guys to not make the same mistakes I did.

What excites you most about your industry?
I think it’s when I see how ordinary lives are turned around overnight. It’s like a magical transformation of sorts. One moment I see a guy who’s clueless, frustrated and jaded with his dating life and after helping him out, he is happily attached to the girl of his dreams, with plans to marry her one day! That is what excites and inspires me to do what I do.

What’s your connection to Asia?
I’ve grown up and lived in Singapore all my life. I’ve been around Southeast Asia as well and I see it as home now.

Favourite city in Asia for business and why?
Business wise, I’d say Singapore. Mainly because I’ve successfully been able to run a couple of businesses here. Also, the very efficient systems help, as does the Singapore government, which supports and protects local business owners.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
Don’t be afraid of failure, instead embrace it, fail often and fail quick because that’s the fastest way to succeed.

Who inspires you?
A lot of the entrepreneurs who started with almost nothing and then worked their way up to create massive empires for themselves. People like Vishen Lakhiani, Richard Branson, Daymond John and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson are a few who inspire me.
The one person who really ignites a fire within me and inspires me is my uncle. He had close to nothing when he started out, but he has created an empire in Southeast Asia. Seeing his transformation in person, has filled me with hope and inspiration.

What have you just learnt recently that blew you away?
An emotionally charged and engaging way to present an idea to someone. It’s basically how you tell a story that resonates deeply with the person which then inspires them to take some kind of action. I knew stories were powerful, I just didn’t know how powerful until I learnt to use them in my own business and daily life.

If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
Find the right kind of mentors early on. When I first started, I wasted a lot of time and money on the wrong mentors. Yes I got results, but they were very short lived. There was no concrete plan and the support given was close to non existent. I figured out a lot of things on my own. So yes, if given a chance I’d get the right mentor early on.

How do you unwind?
I’m quite the sweet tooth so I’m always trying out new desserts during my “cheat days.” When I’m not indulging however, I’m honing my skills as a pro wrestler at Grapple Max Dojo.

Favourite Asian destination for relaxation? Why?
Wow this simple question is a tough one! Most of my vacations have always been centred around the city. So I’m not really relaxing but I enjoy being on the go in a different environment.
For relaxation, I’d say it would have to be some of the islands around Malaysia. I love the resorts there. One that comes to mind is Perhentian Island. The crystal, clear waters and laid back lifestyle is really amazing.

Everyone in business should read this book:
Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson. This book helps business owners embrace the digital age and most importantly it shows you how to build a tribe of loyal clients who’d happily acquire your services. What I really like is how simply this book is written. The magic of this book is in the way it’s presented to the readers. Progressive and simple steps which are filled with loads of “ah-ha” moments.

Shameless plug for your business:
I help frustrated and clueless single guys get an overflow of dates with girls who are just their type with my proven method whilst still allowing them to be themselves.

How can people connect with you?
Via Facebook:
Through my website:
Email : [email protected]
Instagram :

This interview is part of the ‘Callum Connect’ series of more than 500 interviews

Callum Laing is an entrepreneur and investor based in Singapore. He has previously started, built and sold half a dozen businesses and is now a Partner at Unity-Group Private Equity and Co-Founder of The Marketing Group PLC. He is the author two best selling books ‘Progressive Partnerships’ and ‘Agglomerate’.

Connect with Callum here:
Download free copies of his books here:

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